兔子网安全组件V2.0 设计

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兔子网安全组件V2.0 设计



等级: 元帅
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-07-03 0
---TT Security Gate V2.0 coming this winter,get a preview---
1. to keep your browser safety.plug-in upgrade!
in TSG V2.0 your browser's all pages and download files will be keep safety .we will give your free service.it will not be slower than TSG V1.0
2. get a chat!
in TSG V2.0 your all of the chats.can be safety by TSG V2.0.the anonymous user group can not see your chat history.
3. TTStore , let's have a safety download!
TSG V2.0 can keep your TTStore Downloader safety.let's have a safety download!enjoy it in the programs!
4. TTStore Apps safety.
TSG V2.0 can keep guard on your TTStore Apps.it can run Apps in the sandbox
5. sandbox,run your program on the sandbox!
sandbox is a good program.it can let programs run in a virtual system.all of the message what the program need is a false message.and if you exit the programs,the sandbox will delete the App's Documents.
6. documents safety!
this tools can let the anonymous user group no allow to see the documents.
[ 此帖被在2014-10-11 15:40重新编辑 ]
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