I Could Be The One —— Donna Lewis

猴岛论坛影音天地I Could Be The One —— Donna Lewis
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I Could Be The One —— Donna Lewis



等级: 上将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2014-11-09 0

To accumulate many stumble along the footsteps, to stand in front of you.
And I think you know, good night.


She can make friends with the lonely

I Could Be The One —— Donna Lewis

I could be your sea of sand
I could be your warmth of desire

I could be your prayer of hope
I could be your gift to everyday

I could be your tide of heaven
I could be a hint of what’s to come

I could be ordinary
I could be the one

I could be your blue eyed angel
I could be the storm before the calm

I could be your secret pleasure
I could be your well wishing well

I could be your breath of life
I could be your European dream

I could be ordinary
I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time

Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you

Sing to you
I could be your worry partner
I could be your socialite

I could be your green eyed monster
I could be your force of light

I could be your temple garden
I could be your tender hearted child

I could be ordinary
I could be the one

Now I would lie here in the darkness
Now I would lie here for all time

Now I would lie here watching over you
Comfort you
Sing to you

Will I ever change the journey
Will the hushed tones disappear

Oh little Rita
Let me hold you
Oh little Rita

Let me love you
I could be your leafy island

I could be your thunder in the clouds
I could be your dark enclosure

I could be your romantic soul
I could be your small beginning

I could be your suit in universe
I could be ordinary

I could be the one
I could be ordinary

I could be the one
I could be ordinary
I could be the one


本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +18
DB+18 2014-11-09




等级: 贵宾
-           都变了,所以我也变了。

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2014-11-09 0
好听  甜甜的
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