索尼固件下载利器XpeiraFirm v4.0汉化版

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索尼固件下载利器XpeiraFirm v4.0汉化版



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2015-04-04 0
索尼固件下载利器XpeiraFirm v4.0汉化版

v4.0 [April 2, 2015]:
- NEW: Java is no longer needed for XperiFirm; Release list loading is now .NET-native. Which also allowed me to implement these features:
* File size was decreased from almost 300KB to just 267KB.
* You can run XperiFirm from any location, from any OS that has .NET Framework 3.5 or higher (Windows), or Mono (Linux/OS X). No more obscure Java errors that prevent XperiFirm from launching or working properly.
* Since there is no JAR file extraction involved anymore, hopefully anti-viruses stop complaining for a false-positive.
* Release list loading is MUCH faster, almost instant, since no more external Java calls are being made.
* When you select a CDA, the loaded release list is saved in memory until you select another device, which saves time and internet traffic if it's re-selected later.
* When you use "Check All", the "Latest Release" versions are being retrieved by the new method (instead of the Sony PC Companion-ish inaccurate method), which is accurate and is exactly the same as the topmost release you get when you select a CDA normally. (No more release versions mismatches and inaccurate versions)
* When you use "Check All", the operation also saves the release list to memory, which will then be re-used if the CDA is being re-selected, instead of loading the release list again and again.

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DB+30 2015-04-04




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举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2015-04-04 0
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