- 注册时间 2015-10-07
- 最后登录 2015-12-05
- 发帖20
- 在线8小时
- 精华0
- DB71
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  Jailbreak Shop 3.0
Description :
- Terrorist:Have 1 knife default(punch), Have 2 shops, 1 shop in terrorist spawn!this have knifes with(sounds, damages, models) diferents, the amazin inthis plugins you can listen the other knifes sound. The other shop iswith the say command /shop in this have any items for fun...example(drugs, grenades, glock, speed, and silent walk)
- Drugs: rare vision, hp, armor and speed..
- CT: Can use the shop... but have 1 knife default with more powerfull...
Commands :- Only Terrorist Write ( /shop or !shop )
- Only Admin Can Write ( /mg or !mg ) This is for the jbpacks manager
Cvars: // Turn On/Off The Shops and Help
- jb_Shop // 1(ON) 0(OFF)
- jb_ShopKnifes // 1(ON) 0(OFF)
- jb_help // 1(ON) 0(OFF)
// JbPacks - jb_killJP // Default:"3"
- jb_bonushsJP // Default:"2"
- jb_startJP // Default:"7"
- jb_maxgiveJP // Deafult:"10000"
// Prices - jb_pFlash // Default:"4"
- jb_pHe // Default:"6"
- jb_pHEFL // Default:"12"
- jb_pWalk // Default:"15"
- jb_pFast // Default:"18"
- jb_pDrugs // Default:"22"
- jb_pGlock // Default:"25"
- jb_pKnife1 // Default:"4"
- jb_pKnife2 // Default:"12"
- jb_pKnife3 // Default:"18"
- jb_pKnife4 // Default:"25"
// Drugs Cvars - jb_drLife // Default: "200"
- jb_drArmor" // Default: "200"
// Glock Cvars - jb_gClip // Default: "20"
- jb_gAmmo" // Default: "0"
// Damages - jb_dKnifeT // Default: "20"
- jb_dKnifeCT // Default: "50"
- jb_dKnife1 // Default: "30"
- jb_dKnife2 // Default: "60"
- jb_dKnife3 // Default: "80"
- jb_dKnife4 // Default: "200"
// Head Shot Damages - jb_dHsKnifeT // Default: "30"
- jb_dHsKnifeCT // Default: "80"
- jb_dhsKnife1 // Default: "45"
- jb_dhsKnife2 // Default: "75"
- jb_dhsKnife3 // Default: "95"
Credits :- rubee (Fixes)
- Gladius (The code for messagemode)
- capostrike93(Fix in messagemode)
- apuu(Tester)
ML :- ES = MaNuCs
- EN = Nahuz && sombrillaAnd Me
- NL = crazyeffect
- SV = zacky
- DE = schmurgel1983
- BP = Konae
- LT = Zloj & Kukulis :*
Pd: I send mpto peaplo for update the ml! Link: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=118283Images :- Shop Knifes
- Shop With Say
- Pd: The images is in the version 2.8
Changelog :
- v3.0: Update ML, Add Credits And Add Manager Command In Thread.
- v2.9: Add Jbpacks, Jbpacks Manager(for admin), add cvar, messages, etc.
- v2.8: Fixed ML And Help, Add Cvars To Glock.
- v2.7: Some Fixes.
- v2.6: Add ML, New Shop, Cvars, Sounds, Models And Some Fixes.
- v2.0: Some Fixes, Cvars, Sounds.
- v1.0: First release.