谷歌浏览器Chrome Stable稳定版迎来v50第四维护版升级,详细版本号为v50.0.2661.102,上一个正式版发布于4月29日,时隔12天Google又发布了新版Chrome,本次惯例更新了5项重要安全修复及稳定性改进。
Below, we highlight fixes that were contributed by external researchers. Please see the Chromium security page for more information.
[$8000][605766] High CVE-2016-1667: Same origin bypass in DOM. Credit to Mariusz Mlynski.
[$7500][605910] High CVE-2016-1668: Same origin bypass in Blink V8 bindings. Credit to Mariusz Mlynski.
[$3000][606115] High CVE-2016-1669: Buffer overflow in V8. Credit to Choongwoo Han.
[$1337][578882] Medium CVE-2016-1670: Race condition in loader. Credit to anonymous.
[$500][586657] Medium CVE-2016-1671: Directory traversal using the file scheme on Android. Credit to Jann Horn.
Google Chrome 稳定版 官方本地下载地址:
1) Google Chrome v50.0.2661.102 无更新功能版[b] 32位[/b]
2) Google Chrome v50.0.2661.102 无更新功能版 [b]64位[/b]
Chrome 官方 带更新/无更新功能版 N软网 [b]百度网盘[/b]:
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