The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars

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The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars



等级: 中校

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2016-08-10 0

歌曲:The Lazy Song
歌手:Bruno Mars
专辑:NOW That's What I Call Music, Vol. 39
真实姓名:Peter Hernandez  彼得·基恩·埃尔南德斯
出生日期:1985年10月8日 擅长乐器:爵士鼓,吉他,钢琴(键盘)
唱片公司  Elektra Records
居住地:美国洛杉矶    音乐风格:流行,嘻哈,灵魂,摇滚,节奏布鲁斯
歌手简介:彼得·基恩·埃尔南德斯(Peter Gene Hernandez,1985年10月8日-),以其艺名布鲁诺·马尔斯(Bruno Mars)出名,是美国的创作型歌手、音乐制作人。成长于夏威夷火奴鲁鲁的音乐人世家中,马尔斯自幼就开始创作音乐。其童年时期在当地的多家音乐场所表演后,他立志以音乐为业,并在高中毕业后搬到洛杉矶。 在摩城唱片公司度过一段并不成功的职业生涯后,马尔斯在2009年同大西洋唱片签约。在为B.o.B的“Nothin' on you”以及崔维·麦考伊的“Billionaire”创作并献声后,他作为独唱艺人的才华得到重视。

歌词:Today I don't feel like doin' anything 我今儿个啥也不想弄
  I just want to lay in my bed 只想往床上一躺
  don't feel like picking up my phone 手机也懒得接
  so leave a message at the tone 你就在嘟声后留言吧
  cause today I swear I'm not doing anything 因为我发誓今儿个啥都不会干滴
  I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan 两腿一翘 瞧着风扇愣神
  Turn the tv on throw my hands in my pants 不然电视一开 两手往裤子里一插.
  nobody's gonna tell me I can't 没人管得着
  I'll be lounging on the couch just chillin in my snuggie 往沙发上那么一靠
  click to mtv so they can teach me how to dougie 点mtv 学dougie
  because in the castle I'm the freckin' man 我就是一城堡怪男
  oooh yes I said it 我说了
  I said it 我就说了
  I said it cause I can 你想咋滴
  today I don't feel like doing anything 我今儿个啥也不想弄
  I just want to lay in my bed 就想往床上一躺
  don't feel like picking up my phone 手机也懒得接
  so leave a message at the tone 你就在嘟声后留言吧
  cause today I swear I'm not doing anything 因为我发誓今儿个啥都不会干滴
  nothing at all 啥都不干
  Wuuuuho wuho hooo 呜~~呜呜~~~~
  nothing at all 啥都不干
  Wuuuuho wuho hoooo 呜~~~~呜~~
  tomorrow I'll wake up do some p90x find a real nice girl 明早儿起来练练6 packs 钓个靓妞
  have some really nice sex 然后 呼呼哈嘿一通
  and she's gonna scream out this is great 她会尖叫“太牛X了”
  (oh my god, this is great) 天啊 真太牛X了
  yeeah I might mess around and get my college degree 就这么瞎混混 搞张烂文凭
  I bet my old man will be so proud of me 我老爹肯定还会为我骄傲呢
  but sorry pops you'll just have to wait 再等几年吧 老爹
  ooooh yes I said it 怎么的 我就说了
  I said it 我说了
  I said cause I can 你怎么着?
  today I don't feel like doing anything 我今儿个啥也不想弄
  I just want to lay in my bed 只想往床上一躺
  don't feel like picking up the phone 手机懒得接
  so leave a message at the tone 你就在嘟声后留言吧
  cause today I swear I'm not doing anything 因为我发誓今儿个啥都不会干滴
  no I ain't gonna comb my hair 毛也不用梳
  cause I ain't goin' anywhere 又哪也不去
  no no no no no noooo 不去不去不去.
  I'll just strut in my birthday suit 就光着PP 满屋乱转
  and let everything hang loose 让一切都慢下来
  yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeaahhh
  oh Today I don't feel like doin' anything 我今儿个啥也不想弄了
  I just want to lay in my bed 就想往床上一躺
  don't feel like picking up my phone 手机也懒得接
  so leave a message at the tone 就在嘟声后留言吧
  cause today I swear I'm not doing anything 因为我发誓今儿个啥都不会干滴
  nothing at all 啥都不干
  Wuuuuho wuho hooo 呼呼呼~~~
  nothing at all 不干不干
  Wuuuuho wuho hoooo 呼呼呼~~~
  nothing at all 不干不干

怎么样?看懂歌词你是不是也被这首“The Lazy Song”的懒汉脾性所感染了呢?
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +17
DB+17 2016-08-11




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