版本要闻![[游戏资讯][Data Only]Patch 10.21 notes](https://px.lanyin.net/image/https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt693e2745b0a3437d/5f7eae15ed21e20f1440ab39/Patch_10.21_Infographic.png?imgsec=NzA6HiZd1GpdJiJIAjvxSQ&imgexp=1741543200)
Pumpkin Prince Amumu, Bewitching Elise, Little Devil Fizz, Odyssey Karma, Odyssey Aatrox, Odyssey Sivir, Odyssey Kha'Zix, Odyssey Twisted Fate, and Hextech Kassadin will be available on October 14th, 2020.
英雄残月之肃 厄斐琉斯
Passive lethality increased. R Calibrum additional mark damage increased; Severum heal increased, Gravitum root duration increased, Infernum splash damage ratio increased, Crescendum additional chakrams returned increased.
We aren't seeing Aphelios on the Worlds stage, so it's time for us to take a moonshot at propping him back up for all other levels of play. We're giving him extra oomph on the ranking of his Lethality and sharpening the strengths of his various ultimates.
被动 传知者与真知者
穿甲: 2/4/6/8/10/12 → 3/6/9/12/15/18
R 清辉夜凝
通碧附加标记伤害: 20/45/70 → 40/70/100
断魄治疗量: 200/300/400 → 250/375/500
坠明禁锢持续时间: 被[R 清辉夜凝]标记的目标禁锢1秒 → 被[R 清辉夜凝]标记的目标禁锢1.25秒
莹焰溅射伤害加成: 75%初始伤害 → 85%初始伤害
折镜追加飞轮返还: 3 → 4
青钢影 卡蜜尔
E bonus attack speed decreased later.
Camille is one of the strongest and most prevalent top laners in Elite play, so we're pulling some power out of her split-pushing and sustained-dueling potential.
E 钩索
额外攻击速度: 40/50/60/70/80% → 40/45/50/55/60%
英勇投弹手 库奇
Q bonus damage ratio increased.
Corki's early game makes it hard for him to stand up to other mid laners. Giving him a small boost to help him take off a little faster.
Q 磷光炸弹
额外攻击力加成: 0.5攻击力 → 0.7攻击力
法外狂徒 格雷福斯
E bonus armor decreased.
Graves' combination of clear speed and durability have made him a prominent Elite jungle pick. Reducing some of his innate tankiness so that Graves is more punishable when he missteps.
E 快速拔木仓
额外护甲: 8/11/14/17/20 → 6/9/12/15/18
战争之影 赫卡里姆
E base damage decreased.
Bringing down some burst from this speeding stallion.
E 毁灭冲锋
基础伤害: 45/75/105/135/165(90/150/210/270/330) → 35/65/95/125/155(70/130/190/250/310)
天启者 卡尔玛
Mantra cooldown refund for abilities increased later; Mantra cooldown refund for basic attacks now flat. R cooldown decreased.
A new mantra for Karma: to channel her Mantra more often. We're increasing the payoff for dishing out damage so Karma can optimize access to her Mantra.
被动 聚能之炎
技能命中时梵咒冷却时间返还: 2/3/4秒(在1/7/13级时) → 2/3.5/5秒(在1/6/11级时)
普通攻击命中时梵咒冷却时间返还: 1/1.5/2秒(在1/7/13级时) → 1秒(全等级)
R 梵咒
冷却时间: 45/42/39/36秒 → 40/38/36/34秒
盲僧 李青
Base attack damage growth increased.
The monk could use more reliable damage to see games through.
攻击力成长属性: 3.2 → 3.7
狂野女猎手 奈德丽
Base attack damage decreased.
Bringing down the jungle cat's early clear and dueling. This should be especially impactful in Elite play, where autos and attack range are utilized more effectively.
攻击力: 61 → 58
不屈之木仓 潘森
Q damage and critical damage decreased; damage and critical damage ratios increased; Mortal Will bonus damage ratio increased.
Support Pantheon has spiked in popularity as a shield-swinging strongman who provides solid CC and durability. To balance his resilience, we're moving some power from his base damage to his AD ratios over time. This should weaken the early kill threat from low-income supports while padding the blow for solo-lane Pantheons who have quicker access to items.
Q 贯星长木仓
伤害: 75/110/145/180/215(+1.0额外攻击力) → 70/100/130/160/190(+1.15额外攻击力)
暴击伤害: 155/235/315/395/475(+2.0额外攻击力) → 155/230/305/380/455(+2.3额外攻击力)
[矢志不退]额外伤害加成: 1.0攻击力 → 1.15攻击力
沙漠玫瑰 莎弥拉
E cooldown increased; attack speed decreased.
Samira is at a place where her early game safety and mobility is a touch too reliable, so we're bumping up her cooldown in a way so that she has to play more conservatively in the first stages of the game. We're also trimming some of her damage so that her all ins are a little less potent.
E 狂飙
冷却时间: 15/14/13/12/11秒 → 20/18/16/14/12秒
攻击速度: 30/35/40/45/50% → 20/25/30/35/40%
巨魔之王 特朗德尔
Passive heal from nearby enemy death increased and now smoothly scales across levels. W cooldown now reduces with rank.
Smoothing out this pillar-punching prince's passive so he doesn't hit arbitrary power spikes at various levels, and throwing in a small buff at every level to help him bash down enemies. In combination with an increase in his steroid uptime, we're hoping this will tip the scales in favor for macho Trundles to really win fights.
被动 国王的贡品
附近敌人死亡提供治疗: 2/3/4/5/6%(在1/5/9/12/15级时) → 2-7% (在1-18级时)
W 冰封领域
冷却时间: 全等级15秒 → 15/14/13/12/11秒
兽灵行者 乌迪尔
R aura total damage increased.
Bird Udyr is still performing worse than Cat Udyr, so we're firing up Phoenix Stance's AoE damage to sharpen the difference in style between the two stances (Phoenix's waveclear vs. Tiger's dueling potential), and encourage more folks to birdy up.
R 火凤姿态
光环总伤害: 4秒内40/80/120/160/200/240 → 4秒内50/100/150/200/250/300
Nimbus Cloak's popularity has begun to stifle rune choices, especially in the jungle. We're weakening its power overall, with a specific target on its synergy with Smite.
额外移动速度: 10/20/30% → 5/20/35%
移动增益持续时间: 2.5秒 → 2秒
The second round of Worlds Clash is live, with a 16-team bracket and special rewards! Fight for the cup in the biggest Clash yet.
10.21版本 极地大乱斗 英雄加强
星界游神 巴德: 输出伤害+15%&承受伤害-15% → 输出伤害+15%&承受伤害-20%
青钢影 卡蜜尔: 输出伤害+6%&承受伤害-6% → 输出伤害+6%&承受伤害-10%
不祥之刃 卡特琳娜: 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-10%
永恒梦魇 魔腾: 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-15%
虚空遁地兽 雷克塞: 输出伤害+12%&承受伤害-12% → 输出伤害+12%&承受伤害-15%
沙漠玫瑰 莎弥拉: 相较于一般模式无改动 → 承受伤害-5%
河流之王 塔姆: 承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5%
皮城执法官 蔚: 输出伤害+5% → 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5%
不灭狂雷 沃利贝尔: 相较于一般模式无改动 → 承受伤害-5%
牧魂人 约里克: 输出伤害-5% → 输出伤害-3%
10.21版本 极地大乱斗 英雄削弱
探险家 伊泽瑞尔: 相较于一般模式无改动 → 输出伤害-5%
暴走萝莉 金克丝: 输出伤害-5% → 输出伤害-5%&承受伤害+5%
狂野女猎手 奈德丽: 输出伤害+12% → 输出伤害+10%
符文法师 瑞兹: 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+3%&承受伤害-5%
琴瑟仙女 娑娜: 输出伤害-15%、承受伤害+15%、治疗量-20%&护盾-20% → 输出伤害-20%、承受伤害+15%、治疗量-20%&护盾-20%
暗夜猎手 薇恩: 承受伤害-5% → 承受伤害-3%
10.21版本 无限火力 英雄加强
星界游神 巴德:修复了特殊模式下额外调和之音收集和木灵重生未启用的BUG
虚空遁地兽 雷克塞: 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-15%
封魔剑魂 永恩: 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10%
10.21版本 无限火力 英雄削弱
离群之刺 阿卡丽: 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-8%
寒冰射手 艾希: 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-5% → 输出伤害+5%&承受伤害-5%
雪原双子 努努和威朗普: 输出伤害+10%、承受伤害-10%&治疗量+10% → 输出伤害+8%、承受伤害-10%&治疗量+10%
不屈之木仓 潘森: 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-10%
披甲龙龟 拉莫斯: 输出伤害+10%&承受伤害-10% → 输出伤害+8%&承受伤害-10%
暮光之眼 慎: 相较于一般模式无改动 → 输出伤害-5%
皮城执法官 蔚: 相较于一般模式无改动 → 输出伤害-5%
不灭狂雷 沃利贝尔: 输出伤害-5% → 输出伤害-5%&承受伤害+5%
魔法猫咪 悠米: 输出伤害-20%、承受伤害+10%、治疗量-30%&E技能冷却时间+100% → 输出伤害-20%, 承受伤害+20%、治疗量-30%&E技能冷却时间+100%
影流之主 劫: 输出伤害-10% → 输出伤害-10%&承受伤害+5%
英雄联盟客户端: Fixed an issue where the in-game settings menu was not loading if a game had not been played since the previous patch
英雄联盟客户端: Debug text will no longer appear during promotion ceremonies
英雄联盟客户端: Fixed an issue where gift notifications would appear even after being acknowledged or dismissed
英雄联盟客户端: League taskbar icon should now light up when notifications/messages are pending
英雄联盟客户端: Restoring Default Hotkeys out of game no longer unbinds "Area Is Warded Ping" in the Options Menu
在生命值条增加了一个“即将到来的生命值”UX,由此玩家可以看到如[救赎]的主动效果、嚎哭深渊的治疗包和弗拉基米尔的[R 血之瘟疫]等延时生命值回复手段中回复的生命值的量
修复了阿木木的范围伤害技能无法触发[被动 诅咒之触]的BUG
娜美的[W 冲击之潮]的技能文本的法术强度加成从1.5法术强度修正为0.5法术强度
PsyOps Sona now correctly plays her transformation animation even when moving while leveling up R - Crescendo
在受劫的[被动 影忍法!灭魂劫]的目标下增加了一个黄色的圆环,以对应有着类似被动效果的嘉文四世、艾克和萨科。
南瓜头王子 阿木木
魅惑女巫 伊莉丝
大魔王 菲兹
奥德赛 卡尔玛
奥德赛 亚托克斯
奥德赛 希维尔
奥德赛 卡兹克
奥德赛 崔斯特
海克斯科技 卡萨丁
奥德赛 亚托克斯
奥德赛 卡尔玛
奥德赛 卡兹克
奥德赛 希维尔
奥德赛 崔斯特
奥德赛 凯隐
天煞 劫
南瓜头王子 阿木木
魅惑女巫 伊莉丝
大魔王 菲兹
大魔王 提莫
魅惑女巫 莫甘娜