1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
2 import urllib2,urllib,re,time
3 # build opener with HTTPCookieProcessor
4 o = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor() )
5 urllib2.install_opener( o )
6 # assuming the site expects 'user' and 'pass' as query params
7 user=raw_input('please enter your username:')
8 passw=raw_input('your password:')
9 p = urllib.urlencode( { 'pwuser':user, 'pwpwd':passw } )
10 p+='&jumpurl=index.php&step=2&cktime=0'
11 # perform login with params
12 f = o.open( 'http://bbs.stuhome.net/login.php?', p )
13 data = f.read()
14 f.close()
15 # second request should automatically pass back any
16 # cookies received during login... thanks to the HTTPCookieProcessor
17 #tid=raw_input('please input tid:')
18 #f = o.open( 'http://bbs.stuhome.net/newforindex/new.php' )
19 #data = f.read()
20 #r=re.findall(r'href=(\'.*?\').*?title=(\'.*?\')',data)
21 #for i in r:
22 # if i[0].find('news_id')==-1:
23 # print i[0],i[1]
24 reply=[u'信败类,信败类
25 u'瓜娃子。。。。',
26 u'飘过。。。',
27 u'红包拿来!!!',
28 u'给我水!!!',
29 u'I am a bot!']
30 for r in reply:
31 tid='353220'
32 rr=r.encode('gb2312')
33 post=[
34 ('atc_money','0'),
35 ('atc_rvrc','0'),
36 ('atc_title','re'),
37 ('atc_usesign','1'),
38 ('atc_convert','1'),
39 ('atc_autourl','1'),
40 ('atc_content',rr),
41 ('step','2'),
42 ('action','reply'),
43 ('fid','25'),
44 ('tid',tid),
45 ('editor','0'),
46 ('atc_attachment','none'),
47 ('verify','47368d3f')]
48 p=urllib.urlencode(post)
49 f = o.open( 'http://bbs.stuhome.net/post.php?', p )
50 data = f.read()
51 f.close()
52 print data
53 time.sleep(5)