Glyph of Dark Command - Increases the chance for your Dark Command ability to work successfully by 8%.
黑暗命令(Dark Command)的成功几率提高8%。
Glyph of Blood Boil - Lowers the damage of your Blood Boil by 20% but causes it to slow affected targets for 5 sec. (Movement speed reduced by 30%.)
血沸(Blood Boil)的伤害降低20%,但是会降低影响目标的速度30%,持续5秒。
Glyph of Strangulate - Increases the range of your Strangulate by 20 yards.
Glyph of Chains of Ice - Your Chains of Ice causes 240 to 260 Frost damage in addition to its normal effect.
冰链(Chains of Ice)会造成额外240-260的冰霜伤害。
Glyph of Anti-Magic Shell - Increases the duration of your Anti-Magic Shell by 5 sec but increases the cooldown by 15 sec.
反魔法护罩(Anti-Magic Shell)的持续时间提高5秒,但是冷却时间提高15秒。
Glyph of Icebound Fortitude - Your Icebound Fortitude costs no runic power.
冰封之韧(Icebound Fortitude)不再消耗符文能量。
Glyph of Death Grip - Increases the cooldown of Death Grip by 10 sec but stuns targets for 1 sec.
死亡之握(Death Grip)的冷却时间提高10秒,但是会使目标昏迷1秒。
Glyph of Death and Decay - Your Death and Decay spell deals 10% additional damage but the cooldown is increased by 10 sec.
死亡凋零(Death and Decay)的伤害提升10%,但是冷却时间提高10秒。
Glyph of Icy Touch - Your Icy Touch does 10% less damage but generate 10 additional runic power.
冰触(Icy Touch)伤害降低10%,但是会额外获得10符文能量。
Glyph of Unbreakable Armor - Unbreakable Armor grants an additional 5% parry chance but no longer increases your Strength.
无敌护甲(Unbreakable Armor)获得额外5%招架几率但是不再提升你的力量。
Glyph of Blood Tap - Your Blood Tap no longer causes damage to you.
鲜血分流(Blood Tap)不会再对你造成伤害。
Glyph of Scourge Strike - Your Scourge Strike has a 25% chance to cause Blood Plague and Frost Fever.
天灾打击(Scourge Strike)有25%几率使目标感染Blood Plague和Frost Fever。
Glyph of Frost Strike - Your Frost Strikes have a 10% chance to Freeze the target for 8 sec.
冰霜打击(Frost Strikes)有10%的几率使目标冻结8秒。
Glyph of Plague Strike - Your Plague Strike does additional damage for each disease on the target.
瘟疫打击(Plague Strike)可以造成额外伤害,因疾病数而定。
Glyph of Rune Strike - Increases the critical strike chance of your Rune Strike by 5% but increases cost by 5 runic power.
符文打击(Rune Strike)的暴击率提升5%,但是也会额外消耗5符文能量。
Glyph of Obliterate - Your Obliterate strikes for 20% additional weapon damage, but does 50% less bonus damage per disease.
Glyph of Bone Shield - Adds 1 additional charge to your Bone Shield.
骨盾(Bone Shield)的数量提高1。
Glyph of Vampiric Blood - Your Vampiric Blood also heals you for 3% of your total health.
吸血鬼之血(Vampiric Blood)也会治疗你总生命值的3%
Glyph of Death's Embrace - Your Death Coil refund 20 runic power when used to heal.
死亡缠绕(Death Coil)在用来治疗时会返回20符文能量。
Glyph of Horn of Winter - Horn of Winter costs 10 less runic power.
寒冬号角(Horn of Winter)的符文能量消耗减少10。
Glyph of Raise Dead - Increases your Ghoul's total Strength by 10%.