1.6版本用的nukedx-en 8.2
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1.6 Support Added!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!Please edit nukedx\usr\nxset.cfg!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!Please edit nukedx\nxcvars.cfg!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!Please edit nukedx\nxblocker.cfg!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!Thnx For Download NukedX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!This Scriptpack Has Downloaded!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!over 50000 on world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!Please do all steps carefully!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!For your questions ask them on our forums!!!!
Bombtimer: Based From NaXiMuZ's Bombtimer but it has less configs then NaXiMuZ's
for more details pls read bombtimer-read.txt
Backuping: Now i made little bat files for backuping your config.cfg
commandmenu.txt and models. !!!also please edit nukedx\usr\nxset.cfg!!!
For Disabling script just run: Disable NukedX.bat
For Enabling script just run: Enable NukedX.bat
if u disabled script your nukedx setting backupped on backup\nxconfig.cfg
if u wanna delete scriptpack open your CS directory and
delete followed files/directories:
before Run Disable NukedX.bat
nukedx directory
disable blacksky.bat
disable nukedx.bat
enable blacksky.bat
enable nukedx.bat
old changes.txt
Blacksky bat files for enabling disabling Blacksky it optional if u dont wanna
dont delete it.
Blocker: It can blocks WWCL/CD/HLG/CSG/PB if they are trying to block your cvars.
expl. you can use (ex_interp 0.025)
type cdblocker for activating it (when opened console)
activate is usefull for before connecting
or activate it when u connected to the server.
edit your settings on
X: is which disk located the half-life
HLpath your half-life path Default is C:\Sierra\Half-life
Blocker blocks your name and 335 Active CVARS
Blacksky: Removes your sky usefully with transparent wallhacks.
Spikedpacks: Makes your back/defuse packs spiked so you can see them thru walls.
you can disable them from backup/models.
Blood patch: No blend blood and more seemsly (useful with spriteblend) (from eXe)
NukedX DecalWH: Makes your sprites lookable thru walls. (sprays,logos,bloods)
a.k.a (SpriteWH)
Money Increasing: Lets you how can you make your money to 16000 without killing.
NoRecoil: Moves your weapon down has 5 recoil level and 7 shooting option.
NukedX Aimers: They are useful for aiming has 4 option.
1] Head aimer: %75 kills hs if you can use it (uses Aimer/pistol firing also)
2] Spec. aimer: Locks your mouse to target area. (useful for chests,neck,head aiming)
(uses basic attack)
3] Shotgun pwnaging: Auto Reloads your shotgun (uses Aimer/pistol firing also)
4] Aimer/Pistol firing: Like bursts it can be faster attacking your pistols..
DevOverview Bug: You can use this if your server is cheat server (running on -dev parameter)
it same as spectators overview. you can see all attacks/bombs/enemies in your range
likes 3rd person.
Special From NukedX: I also added my special 56krate and my special cvar settings.
also fixed gl options..
Nothing for say stuff
Bunny jump
Duck jump
Earthquake Bunny Jump
Voice Annoying
Strafed jump
Silent shoot
Spawn in enemy base
Fast buy
Fast walk
Switch to knife
Ping Optimizers
Fast Connection Menu
Glowing Models (Red)
Fast Bomb Planter and Defusers
Reload Hack
Sound Ambience Remover
Sniper Blackout Remover
Fast AWP
Auto Screenshot
Server Screwing
Server Crasher
Saveable Options
Console Colors.
Name Toggle.
C) Binds
-: Bought a mp5navy
H: NukedX's Command Menu
P: Reloads A Classical CS Cvars.
V: Crounch Jump. (Duckjump)
Alt: Enables Smoke Removal
Del: Enables/Disables Continius Firing.
End: Enables/Disabled Continius Special Attack (Zoom,Slash).
Home: Bought a Team New: Famas/Galil.
Capslock: Enables/Disable Bomb Timer
Insert: Enables/Disables Korbom Shooter (Pistol Firing)
PageUp: Respawn AS Terrorist
PageDown: Respawn AS Counter-Terrorist
Num 1: Skinhack For T
Num 2: Skinhack For CT
Num 3: Enables/Disables No Ammo Hack
Num 4: Switchs Previous Console Color
Num 5: Throw The Kevlar Armor the Your Base.
Num 6: Name Toggle (1 Def+10 Slots)
Num 7: Switchs Next Console Color
Num 8: Boughs a Smoke Grenade
Num 9: Enables/Disables NukedX's Decal WallHack
Num -: Enables Sound Ambience Remover
Num Enter: Enables Shield Bug #1
Num Slash(/): Enables/Disables Voice Annoying
Mouse3: Enables/Disables Fast AWP Hack
F3: Bought a Team Best: SG552/AUG
F4: Bought a Team Rifle: M4A1 Colt/AK47
F5: Saves ScreenShot.
F6: Bought a Deagle
F7: Bought an AW/M.
F8: Bought a full pri-ammo.
F9: Bought a full sec-ammo.
F10: Bought a Kevlar+Helm.
F11: Bought a Flash-Bomb.
F12: Bought a High Explosion Grenade.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-18 19:06:06编辑过]