- This hack auto-update everything if i update something (dll, txt, cfg, bmp or offsets) and do backups so don't worry about that.
- Aimbot is quite fast as far as i am concerned ... i made a lot of changes to get it faster and to make hitbox aiming working, just test it and see.
- The Hack is VACPROOF, anti-antiwallhack, soundesp are working just fine ...
- Don't aim at shields
- Auto weapon switch has been redone
- You don't need to press F12 to hook, F12 can activate/desactivate the hack.
- Works for cs 1.5 AND cs 1.6 : just change the csversion in FuriousSP.ini.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-10-5 5:39:50编辑过]