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等级: 新兵
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2004-10-08 0
— 本帖被 咛哥 执行锁定操作(2009-03-11) —


// OGC RE Menu
" " ">Aim" {
" " ">Aim Speed" {
" " "Fast Aiming 0" "smoothaim 0.0"
" " "Medium Aiming 1" "smoothaim 1.0"
" " "Slow Aiming 10" "smoothaim 10.0"
" " "Speed +" "smoothaim decrease 1"
" " "Speed -" "smoothaim increase 1"
" " ">Anti Recoil" {
" " "Recoil Perfect" "recoil 2.0"
" " "Recoil Normal" "recoil 1.0"
" " "Recoil Off" "recoil 0.0"
" " ">Field of vision" {
" " "FOV 5 Deg" "fov 5.0"
" " "FOV 10 Deg" "fov 10.0"
" " "FOV 15 Deg" "fov 15.0"
" " "FOV 20 Deg" "fov 20.0"
" " "FOV 25 Deg" "fov 25.0"
" " "FOV 30 Deg" "fov 30.0"
" " "FOV 45 Deg" "fov 45.0"
" " "FOV 90 Deg" "fov 90.0"
" " "FOV 180 Deg" "fov 180.0"
" " "FOV 360 Deg" "fov 360.0"
" " "FOV +" "fov increase 1"
" " "FOV -" "fov decrease 1"
" " ">Hitbox selection" {
" " "Stomach" "hitbox 1.0"
" " "Throat" "hitbox 7.0"
" " "Head" "hitbox 8.0"
" " "Left Arm""hitbox 2.0"
" " "Left Leg" "hitbox 3.0"
" " "Right Leg" "hitbox 4.0"
" " "Left Arm" "hitbox 5.0"
" " "Right Arm" "hitbox 6.0"
" " "- AutoAim Only -" "aimbot 1;autoshoot 0"
" " "- AutoShoot -" "aimbot 1;autoshoot 1"
" " "- Both Off -" "aimbot 0;autoshoot 0"
" " "mouse1: csg proof" "bind mouse1 +csgaim;autoshoot 0;fov 25"
" " "mouse1: hlh style" "bind mouse1 +doshoot;autoshoot 1;aimbot 1;fov 25"
" " " mouse2: csg proof" "bind mouse2 +csgaim;autoshoot 0;fov 25"
" " " mouse2: xqz2 style" "bind mouse2 +aim;autoshoot 0;aimbot 0"
" " " mouse2: hlh style" "bind mouse2 +doshoot;autoshoot 0"
" " " mouse2: aimthru" "bind mouse2 +thru"
" " "mouse3: csg proof" "bind mouse3 +csgaim;autoshoot 0;fov 25"
" " "mouse3: xqz2 style" "bind mouse3 +aim;autoshoot 0;aimbot 0"
" " "mouse3: hlh style" "bind mouse3 +doshoot;autoshoot 0"
" " "mouse3: aimthru" "bind mouse3 +thru; aimthru 0"
" " "Unbind mouse1/2/3" "unbind mouse1;unbind mouse2;unbind mouse3;bind mouse1 .+attack;bind mouse2 .+attack2"
" " ">Mode" {
" " "Enemies" "aimmethod 0.0"
" " "Teammates" "aimmethod 1.0"
" " "Everyone" "aimmethod 2.0"
" " "Nobody" "aimmethod 3.0"
" " ">Visibilty Test's" {
" " "Normal" "autowall 0.0"
" " "Autoedge" "autowall 1.0"
" " "Autowall" "autowall 2.0"
" " "Aimthru" "autowall 3.0"
" " ">ESP" {
" " ">SoundESP" {
" " "Markers" "soundesp 1"
" " "Steps" "soundesp 2"
" " "Names" "soundesp 3"
" " "Off" "soundesp 0"
" " ">BoxESP" {
" " "HLH Boxes" "visualesp 1"
" " "OGC Boxes" "visualesp 2"
" " "Ballhack" "visualesp 3"
" " "Off" "visualesp 0"
" " ">ModelEsp" {
" " "Glowing" {
" " "Glow +" "glow increase 1"
" " "Glow -" "glow decrease 1"
" " "Lambert" "glow 0;lambert 1"
" " "Off" "glow 0;lambert 0"
" " "Barrel""barrel toggle"
" " "Spiked""spiked toggle"
" " "Name""name toggle"
" " "Health""health toggle"
" " "Distance" "distance toggle"
" " "Weapon" "weapon toggle"
" " ">Visuals" {
" " ">Blend" {
" " "No blending" "blend 0"
" " "blendmode 1" "blend 1"
" " "belndmode 2" "blend 2"
" " ">Zoom/Range" {
" " ">Zoom/Range" {
" " "Zoom +" "zoom increase 1"
" " "Zoom -" "zoom decrease 1"
" " "Zoom 15" "zoom 15"
" " "zoom 35" "zoom 35"
" " "zoom 5" "zoom 5"
" " ">Themes" {
" " "[oC]XQZ2""colorsheme0"
" " "Steam""colorsheme1"
" " "OGC RE1""colorsheme2"
" " "OGC RE2""colorsheme3"
"*" ">CROSSHAIR" {
" " "no crosshair" "cross 0"
" " " crosshair 1" "cross 1"
" " " crosshair 2" "cross 2"
" " " crosshair 3" "cross 3"
" " " crosshair 4" "cross 4"
" " " crosshair 5" "cross 5"
"*" ">Wallhacks" {
" " "XQZ 3" "wall 1"
" " "Engine WH" "wall 2"
" " "Fading Engine WH" "wall 3"
" " "Outlined Walls" "wall 4"
" " "Wh's off" "wall 0"
" " "Flash/Smoke" "flash toggle"
" " ">Speedhack" {
"*" ">2x Acceleration" {
" " "Mouse 1" "bind mouse1 +speed2x"
" " "Q" "bind q +speed2x"
" " "Manual Speed" "+speed2x"
"*" ">4x Acceleration" {
" " "Mouse 1" "bind mouse1 +speed4x"
" " "Q" "bind q +speed4x"
" " "Manual Speed" "+speed4x"
"*" ">6x Acceleration" {
" " "Mouse 1" "bind mouse1 +speed6x"
" " "Q" "bind q +speed6x"
" " "Manual Speed" "+speed6x"
" " "Disable MSpeed" "speed 1"
" " ">HUD Options" {
"*" ">Radars" {
" " "Rader off""radar 0"
" " "OverviewRadar" "radar 2"
" " "HLH Radar""radar 3"
"*" ">Spycam" {
" " "SpyCam off" "icam 0"
" " "SpyCam Players" "icam 1"
" " "SpyCam Mattdog blows" "icam 2"
" " "SpyCam Mattdog sucks" "icam 3"
"*" ">HUD Coloring" {
" " "usual HUD""color hudcolor 0 0 0 0"
" " "ogc re blue" "color hudcolor 120 120 255 200"
" " "green""color hudcolor 120 255 120 200"
" " "red""color hudcolor 255 120 120 200"
"*" ">Font" {
" " "HUDfont""confont 0"
" " "Confont""confont 1"
" " "OGLfont""confont 2"
" " "text_bg""text_bg toggle"
" " ">Misc" {
" " "Autoswitch" "autoswitch toggle"
" " "bunny hopping" "bunny toggle"
" " "Save Settings" "save settings.cfg"
" " "Load Settings" "exec settings.cfg"
" " "Exit HL""quit"


Here are all the people that helped us in anyway besides in Coding.

Thank you DarkSypher for leaking OGC 10 beta 5 source and prooving that you are nothing but a dumb ripper.
Thank you PharLap for testing our hack and your daily coding hints.
Thank you LTFX Guy for all his developments he generously donated to the Cheating Community.
Thank you UNI for the Webspace.
Thank you LanceVorgin for all his developments he generously donated to the G-D Community.
Thank you RetarT for all his developments he generously donated to the G-D Community.
Thank you Azorbix for all his developments he generously donated to the G-D Community.
Thank you Xen for the Steam Style in OGC RE.
Thank you [X-Team]panzer for the inspirations you gave us.
Thank you [oC]jLn for designing the first OGC RE GUI.
Thank you [oC]Sruh for providing us webspace and misc things.
Thank you Bluescreen for putting our hack on your site.
Thank you [PM]Czar for putting our hack on your site.
Thank you [RAGE-X]KrazyWhiteBoy for putting our hack on your site.
Thank you Tabris, SparkVolt and RetarT for real Competition and good luck with your GDC.

To United Admins(yes... yet another uni quote):
Valve made a statement saying they would give non money rewards for people that send them unreleased
private/beta cheats.. they did not however say they had started a crusade to close up cheat sites..
or for that matter say they had extended support to "ANYONE" ..
The way their article was worded implies Valve is personally backing them up.. just another silly game
to make the UA seem more important then they really are.. they took the statement from valve and twisted
it to their own needs..

As for their "operation" .. mass emailing hosting companies with complaints of several different
things is their tactics..The "takedown" part could be ddos attack through mass email :P

1. To annoy hosters to the point of dropping their client to avoid flack. (UA does not send just one email..
a group fo them gather and send mail but do not state they are representing the UA)

2. Some sites may actually have illegal material or otherwise be in violation of their TOS.
(which I am pretty sure is rare)

-The last problem I had with the UA was my domains whois listing..
they emailed my registar complaining about the lack of personal information provided in GD.com's
whois listing.. easily fixed and in the end just an annoyance..

Personally I hate the UA .. with a passion..
Their attempts to make themselves into some kind of business is not an exceptable roll..
They are obvious violators of several software licenses..
They appear to think it is their job to police the Internet when honestly they should look at their own practices
before they start preaching to others...
And finally the UAI etc.. is about the biggest laugh .. "ohh look we are secret agents".. yeah.. grow up..


by p47r1ck


// OGC ReBorn Save File
// this file is being overwritten everytime you save

aimbot 0.00
glow 5.00
barrel 1.00
spiked 1.00
esp_offs 2.00
confont 1.00
text_bg 0.00
name 1.00
health 1.00
distance 1.00
weapon 1.00
pred 0.00
prediction 0.00

fov 45.00 在这里调 0—360 度

hitbox 2.00
icamsize 200.00
recoil 0.00
damage 0.00
radar_x 610.00
radar_y 151.00
menu_x 200.00
menu_y 114.00
menu_w 200.00
zoom 45.00
radar_size 168.00
soundesp 3.00
aimthru 0.00
autowall 0.00
soundmax 10.00
wa_x 293.00
wa_y 67.00
wa_w 507.00
wa_h 92.00
ta_x 400.00
ta_y 500.00
ta_w 340.00
ta_h 318.00
thirdperson 0.00
winamp 0.00
console 0.00
icam 0.00
randomfire 0.00

alias colorsheme0 "color rback1 30 55 0 150 ;color rback2 0 50 0 255 ;color border2 250 130 0 255;color effectborder1 250 130 0 255;color effectborder2 250 130 0 255"
alias colorsheme1 "color rback1 76 88 68 255;color rback2 76 88 68 255;color border2 0 0 0 255;color effectborder1 136 145 128 255;color effectborder2 40 46 34 255"
alias colorsheme2 "color rback1 0 10 100 200;color rback2 0 50 0 255 ;color border2 200 200 200 200;color effectborder1 255 255 255 255;color effectborder2 0 0 0 0"
alias colorsheme3 "color rback1 40 65 90 192;color rback2 40 65 90 192;color border2 0 0 0 255;color effectborder1 255 255 255 255;color effectborder2 0 0 0 0"
alias sigmenuopen "txt Menu"
alias sigmenuclose "txt Settings saved;save settings.cfg"
alias +aim "aimbot 1"
alias -aim "aimbot 0"
alias +thru"aimbot 1;aimthru 1"
alias -thru"aimbot 0;aimthru 0"
alias +doshoot "+aim;.+attack"
alias -doshoot "-aim;.-attack"
alias +csgaim "fov 45;+aim"
alias -csgaim "fov 45;-aim"
alias +speed2x "speed 2"
alias -speed2x "speed 1"
alias +speed4x "speed 4"
alias -speed4x "speed 1"
alias +speed6x "speed 6"
alias -speed6x "speed 1"
alias +speed "speed 2"
alias -speed "speed 1"
// colors
color bg 0 0 0 100
color border1 255 255 255 255
color border2 200 200 200 200
color cross 250 250 250 200
color gui_sel 255 130 0 128
color gui_task30 30 30 255
color gui_text255 255 255 255
color gui_win 0 0 160 255
color hud 50 100 255 255
color meter_five 0 255 0 255
color meter_four 128 255 0 255
color meter_one 255 0 0 255
color meter_six 0 255 0 255
color meter_three 255 255 0 255
color meter_two 255 128 0 255
color meter_zero 165 0 165 255
color rback1 0 10 100 200
color rback2 0 50 0 255
color sound 68 68 255 255
color sound_hit 225 100 60 252
color sound_special 220 110 110 250
color sound_weapon140 150 250 250
color specialcolor0 250 255 200
color targetcolor 50 250 50 200
color team1 255 40 40 255
color team2 0 40 150 255
color unassigned 50 100 255 255
color weaponcolor 255 255 0 200



等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2004-10-08 0

OGC ReBorn Edition
IMPORTANT桼EAD CAREFULLY: This End-User License Agreement (揈ULA? is a legal agreement between you
(either an individual or a single entity) and the OGC Group for the OGC software product identified above,
which includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and 搊nline?or
electronic documentation (揚roduct?. An amendment or addendum to this EULA may accompany the Product.
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE PRODUCT. In addition, by installing, copying,
or otherwise using subscription updates that you receive as part of the Product (憫UPDATES拻),
you agree to be bound by the additional license terms that accompany such UPDATES.
If you do not agree to the additional license terms that accompany such UPDATES, you may not install,
copy, or use such UPDATES.

The Product is licensed through the OGC Group,

By using this product You agree not to be an anti-cheater, a moderator of any forums or websites that support
the abolition of cheats, Gameplay, Wireplay, Valve, Won.net, United Admins, Sierra, PunkBuster, The BlackList,
Counter-Strike.net, Counter-Hack.net, The Second Coming, Admin Mod, The Cleaners, Sentinel, orany related group.
You agree not to be part of any antpiracy organization, hold any position in the government or law enforcement agencies.

The OGC group IS NOT responsible for any damage which MAY be caused and/or Occure with this Product.
If you are from VAC/PunkBuster/CS-Guard/CheatingDeath/Paladin/CSHP/UTPure/CAC/CSBlacklist or any other
anti-cheating organization, or something similar, and you visit our site.
You are in violation of violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act.

You are NOT allowed to modifiy disassemble debug and reverse any of the binaries.
If you are redistrubuting this software you MUST include the EULA.
If you didn't understand any of the terms listed above you are NOT allowed to use this software.



bind ins "gui_toggle"

exec settings.cfg

//alias pistolswitch "txt switching;.slot2"
//alias knifeswitch "txt switching;.slot3"

alias +aim "aimbot 1"
alias -aim "aimbot 0"
alias +thru"aimbot 1;aimthru 1"
alias -thru"aimbot 0;aimthru 0"
alias +doshoot "+aim;.+attack"
alias -doshoot "-aim;.-attack"
alias +csgaim "fov 45;+aim"
alias -csgaim "fov 45;-aim"
alias +speed "speed 2"
alias -speed "speed 1"

.cl_bobcycle 1.0
exec weaponmanager.cfg


// usage add_weapon <szName> <Autosniper> <Autoswitch> <Wallstrength> <PistolAutoFire> <Recoil> <FireRate>
// note some weapons are here twice... this is to support every cs version
// the recoil values are just aproximated please feel free to insert better ones
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sniper rifles

add_weapon "scout" "1" "1" "3" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "sg552" "1" "1" "2" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
add_weapon "krieg552" "1" "2" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
add_weapon "awp" "1" "1" "3" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "magnum" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "g3sg1" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "d3au1" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"

// Rifles

add_weapon "famas" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "clarion" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "m4a1" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "galil" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "defender" "0" "2" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "ak47" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
add_weapon "cv47" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.3"

// fast shoting sniper rifles

add_weapon "aug" "1" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "bullpup" "1" "2" "1" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "sg550" "1" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "krieg550" "1" "2" "1" "0" "2.0" "0.7"

// hand guns - pistols

add_weapon "glock" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "9x19mm" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "usp" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"

add_weapon "km45" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "p228" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"

add_weapon "228compact" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "deagle" "0" "0" "2" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "nighthawk" "0" "0" "2" "1" "1.0" "1.0"

add_weapon "elites" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "fn57" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "fiveseven" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"

// shot guns

add_weapon "m3" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "12gauge" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "xm1014" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "autoshotgun" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"

// sub machine guns

add_weapon "mac10" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "tmp" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mp" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mp5" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mg" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "ump45" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "p90" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "c90" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"

// heavy machine gun

add_weapon "m249" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "1.0"



等级: *
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2004-10-08 0
fov 45.00 在这里调 0—360 度


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2009-03-11 0
ding le
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