宽带中国吗 自己学着把删除的部分改回来吧,不是很难
这个改的很暴力了 如果不能搞定 短消息留言 我两天后再发给你个改好的。
增加 复活 90倍速冲杀 警匪变身 选择是否向队友开木仓自动骂人 自动改名 暂停主机游戏 一键买装备等 适合M3 scout g3sg1 AWP武器。 木仓木仓暴头
aimbot 1.00
glow 0.00
barrel 0.00
spiked 0.00
esp_offs 0.00
confont 1.00
text_bg 1.00
name 1.00
health 1.00
distance 0.00
weapon 1.00
pred 1.00
fov 365
hitbox 7.00
icamsize 200.00
recoil 1
damage 0.00
radar_x 100
radar_y 80
menu_x 899.00
menu_y 859.00
menu_w 200.00
zoom 42.00
radar_size 168.00
soundesp 3.00
autowall X.00
soundmax 10.00
wa_x 293.00
wa_y 67.00
wa_w 507.00
wa_h 92.00
ta_x 400.00
ta_y 500.00
ta_w 340.00
ta_h 318.00
thirdperson 0.00
winamp 0.00
console 1.00
icam 0.00
autoswitch 0.00
aesp 0.00
wall 1.00
lambert 0.00
netwin 0.00
invwin 0.00
infowin 0.00
netwin_x 100.00
netwin_y 100.00
invwin_x 100.00
invwin_y 100.00
show_re 1.00
reloadometer 1.00
// colors
color armingc4color 255 0 0 255
color bg 0 0 0 100
color border1 255 255 255 255
color border2 0 0 0 255
color cross 250 250 250 200
color effectborder1 255 255 255 255
color effectborder2 0 0 0 0
color gui_sel 255 130 0 128
color gui_task30 30 30 255
color gui_text255 255 255 255
color gui_win 0 0 160 255
color hud 50 100 255 255
color hudcolor0 0 0 0
color meter_five 0 255 0 255
color meter_four 128 255 0 255
color meter_one 255 0 0 255
color meter_six 0 255 0 255
color meter_three 255 255 0 255
color meter_two 255 128 0 255
color meter_zero 165 0 165 255
color rback1 40 65 90 192
color rback2 40 65 90 192
color reloadcolor 0 255 0 255
color sound 68 68 255 255
color sound_hit 225 100 60 252
color sound_special 220 110 110 250
color sound_weapon140 150 250 250
color specialcolor0 250 255 200
color targetcolor 50 250 50 200
color team1 255 40 40 255
color team2 0 40 150 255
color throwgrencolor 0 255 255 255
color unassigned 50 100 255 255
color weaponcolor 255 255 0 200
alias pausex "pause"
bind f5 huo
bind f6 "pause"
alias pistolswitch "xxxxxxxxxx"
alias knifeswitch "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias sigmenuopen ""
alias sigmenuclose ""
alias +speed90 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias -speed90 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias +speed2x "xxxxxxxxxx"
alias -speed2x "xxxxxxxx"
alias speed0 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias speed1 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
bind mouse3 speed-x
alias B0 "#name "
alias B1 "#name xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias B2 "#name xxxxxxxxxx"
alias B3 "#name xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias B4 "#name xxxxxxxxxxx;alias B B1;xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias B_t1 "xxxxxxxxxxxxx;txt Auto Name:ON"
alias B_t0 "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx;txt Auto Name:OFF"
alias B_t "xxxxxxxxxxx"
alias aksay0 "#say xxxxxxxxxx"
alias aksay1 "#say xxxxxxxxx"
alias aksay2 "#say xxxxxxxxxx"
alias aksay3 "#say xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
alias aksay_t "aksay_t1"
alias bdone ".slot10;later 0.3 .slot10;later 0.4 .slot10;later 0.5 .slot10"
alias items ".xxxxxxxx 6;.menuselect 4"
alias buy82 ".buy;.menxxxxxxxxct 2;bdone"
alias buyprime ".buy;.mxxxxxxxxxstweap"
alias buysecon ".buy;.mexxxxxxxx.bestweap"
alias buym3 ".buy;.xxxxxxxselect 1;buyprime"
alias buy22 ".buy;.xxxxxxxxxxt 2;buyprime"
alias buyawp ".buy;.menuxxxxxxxxxxxx 6;buyprime"
alias buy47 ".buy;.menuxxxxxxxxxxlect 8;buyprime"
alias BuyM3ON "buyxxxxxxxne;bdone"
alias Buy22ON "buy2xxxxxxxxxone;bdone"
alias BuyAwPON "buyaxxxxxxxne;bdone"
alias Buy478ON "buy4xxxxxxxne;bdone"
alias BuyM249ON "buyxxxxxxxxxxxxne;bdone"
alias oi ".chooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmenuselect 10;.wact 10;.wait;.menuselect 10;.wait;.menuselect 10"
alias io ".choosetxxxxxxxxxx.wait;.menuselect 10;.wait;.menuselectelect 10;.waiuselect 10"
alias bian0 "oi;alias bxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxian1"
alias bian1 "io;alxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxian0"
alias bianx bian0
alias aimmethod0 "aimmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1;txt ->"
alias aimmethod1 "aimmexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxethod0;txt <->"
alias aimmethodx aimmethod1
alias Startwav ".+voixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxsayon"
alias Stopwav ".-voicxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxv;txt sayoff"
alias voice "Startwav"
bind end "xxxxxxxxx"
bind k xxxxxxxxxxx
bind * "axxxxxxxx_t"
bind del "gxxxxxxxxxgle"
bind mouse2 "+sxxxxxxxxxx"
bind f1 "BuyM3ON;txt -=|21|=-"
bind f2 "Buy22ON;txt -=|22=-"
bind f3 "Buy478ON;txt -=|47/48|=-"
bind f4 "BuyAwPON;txt -=|46|=-"
bind [ "bixxxxxxxxx"
bind ] "aimmxxxxxxxxdx"
// usage add_weapon <szName> <Autosniper> <Autoswitch> <Wallstrength> <PistolAutoFire> <Recoil> <FireRate>
// the recoil values are just aproximated please feel free to insert better ones
add_weapon "scout" "1" "1" "3" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "sg552" "1" "1" "2" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
add_weapon "krieg552" "1" "2" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
add_weapon "awp" "1" "1" "3" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "magnum" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "g3sg1" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
add_weapon "d3au1" "1" "3" "1" "1" "0" "0.5" "0.1"
// Rifles
add_weapon "famas" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "clarion" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "m4a1" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "galil" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "defender" "0" "2" "0" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "ak47" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.3"
// fast shoting sniper rifles
add_weapon "aug" "1" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "bullpup" "1" "2" "1" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "sg550" "1" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
add_weapon "krieg550" "1" "2" "1" "0" "2.0" "0.7"
// hand guns - pistols
add_weapon "glock" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "9x19mm" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "usp" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "km45" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "p228" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "228compact" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "deagle" "0" "0" "2" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "nighthawk" "0" "0" "2" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "elites" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "fn57" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "fiveseven" "0" "0" "0" "1" "1.0" "1.0"
// shot guns
add_weapon "m3" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "12gauge" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "xm1014" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "autoshotgun" "0" "1" "0" "1" "2.0" "1.0"
// sub machine guns
add_weapon "mac10" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "tmp" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mp" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mp5" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "mg" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "ump45" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "p90" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
add_weapon "c90" "0" "1" "0" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
// heavy machine gun
add_weapon "m249" "0" "1" "2" "0" "2.0" "1.0"
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-18 0:29:34编辑过]