Released: January 21st, 2007
Quick Reference of Hotkeys
- In-Game
F5 Toggle lag defender state.
F6 Zerg burrow/unburrow unit stacker.
Ctrl + F6 Select all stacked units of the same type that are currently selected.
F8 Add/Remove unit for queue-automation.
Ctrl + F8 Remove all units for queue-automation.
F9 Toggle global queue-automation.
Ctrl + F9 Toggle subunit queue-automation.
F11 Toggle elapsed timer state forwards.
Ctrl + F11 Toggle elapsed timer state backwards.
F12 Toggle the four-state stat hack forwards.
Ctrl + F12 Toggle the four-state stat hack backwards.
~ / Alt Select all units of the same type that are current selected.
Numpad 0 Use the drone float exploit. (continues as long as button is held)
Delete Toggle in-game message log.
Insert Toggle three-state maphack forwards.
Ctrl + Insert Toggle three-state maphack backwards.
Ctrl + F Find idle peon and select it.
Pause Pauses and resumes the game.
- Lobby
Page Up Increase download status display, use in lobby.
Page Down Decrease download status display, use in lobby.
End Refresh the game you are hosting so its on top.
Quick Reference of Commands
- In-Game
/list Show a list of players in the game, with player color, race, and ID.
/lat [num] Change game latency, 0=Low Lat, 1=High lat, 2=Extra high lat.
/kill Kill selected workers (peons).
/hold Command selected units to hold position.
/rally Restores all rally points to default.
/hang Toggle game hang state.
- In-Game + Lobby
/sh Toggle selection hack state.
/autom Toggle peon auto mine state.
/ualert Toggle configurable unit alert state.
/alog Toggle in-game action logger state.
/warning Toggle warning message removal state. (Default: On)
/mh [num] Change three-state maphack mode, 1=Off, 2=Lite, 3=Full.
- Channel
/spoof [name] Spoof a custom name, supports color.
/rn Restore spoofed name to original name.
/cn Display current spoofed name.
/ar Toggle auto respoof state. (default on)
Other Features
- Start a game without any opponents.
- Stay in game even after being defeated.
- In-game system timer with AM and PM display.
- Show map download status at all times.
- Save screenshots as bitmaps rather than PCX.
- Selection hack with mass select hotkey.
- Nuke alert with map ping on nuke attempt. (not launch)
- Ally alert with auto unally/unvision.
- Channel, lobby and in-game chat logger.
- Automatically create a worker on map begin.
- Automatically mine minerals on map begin.
- Automatically mine minerals once peon is built.
- Automatically gain lobby ops. (host hack)
- Alliance menu player names are in ally status color.
- Lag screen box timer always set to 1 second. (safe quick drop)
- On-Screen peon idle detection.
- Automatically re-queue units. (Auto queue)
- Replay bugfix. (Play replays correctly)
- Name spoofer with temp ip ban protection.
- Warning messages are disabled. (Unit unplaceable messages)
- Bypass anti-hack protection when connecting to battle.net.
Name Spoofer Color Codes
\B Blue.
\G Green.
\L Light Green.
\D Dark Grey.
\W White.
\R Red.
\T Tab.
Version 2.0.5
- Removed /idle command.
- Fixed a bug with zerg unit stacker.
- Changed lag box timer from 2 seconds to 1 second.
- Added hotkey Ctrl + F to find idle peon.
- Added /mh command to change maphack mode in-game and lobby.
- Added hotkey Ctrl + F6 to select all stacked unit types.
- Added more configuration options to Oblivion.ini.
Click here to download Oblivion v2.0.5 +Rep me if you like
Oblivion support thread - Post about Oblivion here.
Click here to download MSVCR71.dll if you are missing it
If you have troubles loading Oblivion using the loader to start starcraft try opening starcraft first then use the loader.