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等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2007-04-07 0
— 本帖被 夨魂。 执行锁定操作(2009-04-30) —


alias "dev0" "developer 0"
alias "dev1" "developer 1"
// Adjust the amount of waits in the next alias until you find the one that works the best according to your system and connection.
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "cycle" "cyclesemi"
alias "cycleauto" "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; echo <-------------------- AUTO FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesingle"
alias "cyclesingle" "bind mouse1 single; dev1; echo <-------------------- SINGLE FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cyclesemi"
alias "cyclesemi" "bind mouse1 semi; dev1; echo <-------------------- SEMIAUTO FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cycleburst"
alias "cycleburst" "bind mouse1 burst; dev1; echo <-------------------- BURST FIRE -------------------->; alias cycle cycleauto"
alias "single" "+attack; w3; -attack"
alias "semi" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias "burst" "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"

bind "?" "cycle"


bind a "+moveleft; cl_righthand 1"
bind d "+moveright; cl_righthand 0"


alias burstfire "bind mouse1 burst3; bind end standard; developer 1; echo Burst Fire Enabled; developer 0"
alias burst3 "+attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack; w3; +attack; w3; -attack"
alias standard "bind mouse1 +attack; bind end burstfire; developer 1; echo Burst Fire Disabled; developer 0"
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"

bind "end" "burstfire"


alias "w3" "wait;wait;wait"
alias "dev1" "developer 1"
alias "dev0" "developer 0"

alias "burst" "unbind mouse1; +attack; w3; w3; -attack; bind mouse1 burst"
alias "singleshoot" "unbind mouse1; +attack;wait;-attack; bind mouse1 singleshoot"

alias "mode0" "bind mouse1 singleshoot; dev1; echo [Single Shoot]; dev0; speak vfox/beep; alias mode_t mode1"
alias "mode1" "bind mouse1 burst; dev1; echo [Burst Fire]; dev0; speak vfox/beep; alias mode_t mode2"
alias "mode2" "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; echo [Standard Fire]; dev0; speak vfox/beep; alias mode_t mode0"
alias "mode_t" "mode0"

bind "key" "mode_t"

echo Burst Fire - PGUP
echo Duel Fire - home
echo Single fire - ins
echo Normal - Del
alias duelfire "bind mouse1 duel2; developer 1; echo Duel Fire Enabled; developer 0; bind end burstfire"
alias duel2 "+attack; wt3; -attack; wt3; +attack; wt3; -attack; wt3"
alias wt3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias burstfire "bind mouse1 burst3; developer 1; echo Burst Fire Enabled; developer 0; bind end standard"
alias burst3 "+attack; wt3; -attack; wt3; +attack; wt3; -attack; wt3; +attack; wt3; -attack; wt3;"
alias normal "bind mouse1 +attack; bind end burstfire; developer 1; echo Normal Fire Enabled; developer 0; bind end singlefire"
alias singlefire "bind mouse1 single1; developer 1; echo Single Fire Enabled; developer 0; bind end duelfire"
alias single1 "+attack; wt3; -attack; wt3; echo Single Fire Enabled"

alias fireselect "fireselect1"
alias fireselect1 "normal; alias fireselect fireselect2"
alias fireselect2 "singlefire; alias fireselect fireselect3"
alias fireselect3 "duelfire; alias fireselect fireselect4"
alias fireselect4 "burstfire; alisa fireselect fireselect1"

bind "x" "fireselect"


alias zoomy "+attack2; w3; w3; -attack2"
alias +zoom_1 "zoomy"
alias -zoom_1 "zoomy"
alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"

bind "kp_enter" "+zoom_1"

MODE1 - all weapons showing
MODE2 - primary hidden - pistol and knife showing
MODE3 - primary and secondary hidden - knife showing
Extras: holding your reload button will cause the gun to show, letting go will hide it. Due to a bug (with half-life - not the script) the "-reload" is sometimes not registered so you might want to bind some button to "-reload" (example: bind tab "+showscores; -reload")

alias gorelood "bind r +relood"
alias goreload "bind r +reload"
alias +relood "r_drawviewmodel 1; +reload"
alias -relood "r_drawviewmodel 0; -reload; -reload; -reload"
alias q0 "r_drawviewmodel 0; slot1; gorelood"
alias q1 "r_drawviewmodel 1; slot1; goreload"
alias e0 "r_drawviewmodel 0; slot2; gorelood"
alias e1 "r_drawviewmodel 1; slot2; goreload"
alias k1 "r_drawviewmodel 1; slot3"
alias goq0 "bind 1 q1"
alias goq1 "bind 1 q0"
alias goe0 "bind 2 e1"
alias goe1 "bind 2 e0"
alias slunk0 "goh0"
alias slunk1 "goh1"
alias slunk2 "goh2"
alias goh0 "goq0; goe0 echo2; bind h slunk1"
alias goh1 "goq1; echo0; bind h slunk2"
alias goh2 "goq1; goe1; echo1; bind h slunk0"
alias echo0 "echo ||| PRIMARY HIDDEN |||"
alias echo1 "echo ||| WEAPONS HIDDEN |||"
alias echo2 "echo ||| WEAPONS SHOWING |||"

bind 3 "slot3; r_drawviewmodel 1"


alias dfire "dfireon"
alias dfireon "bind mouse1 +fire; alias dfire dfireoff"
alias dfireoff "bind mouse1 +attack; alias dfire dfireon"
alias +fire "+duck; wait; wait; wait; +attack"
alias -fire "-attack; -duck"

bind "v" "dfire"

//Enhanced Weapon Selection Script// by: submitted by: hoLy
Description: Select weapons by pushing a button. With this Script u wont have to here the anoying beeps when u choose them.

alias "main1" "use weapon_sg550;use weapon_mac10;use weapon_aug;use weapon_xm1014;use weapon_p90;use weapon_tmp;use weapon_mp5navy;use weapon_ump45"
alias "main2" "use weapon_m4a1;use weapon_awp;use weapon_g3sg1;use weapon_sg552;use weapon_scout;use weapon_m3;use weapon_m249;use weapon_ak47"
alias "main3" "use weapon_fiveseven;use weapon_usp; use weapon_glock18; use weapon_deagle; use weapon_p228; use weapon_elite"
alias "pri" "main1;main2"
alias "sec" "main3"
alias "mes" "use weapon_knife"
alias "fbgr" "use weapon_flashbang"
alias "hegr" "use weapon_hegrenade"
alias "smgr" "use weapon_smokegrenade"
alias "c4" "use weapon_c4"

bind a pri
bind b sec
bind c mes
bind d fbgr
bind e hegr
bind f smgr
bind g c4


alias +he1 "weapon_hegrenade"
alias -he1 "slot1"
alias +he2 "weapon_hegrenade"
alias -he2 "slot2"

alias +throw1 "+he1; +attack"
alias -throw1 "-attack; wait; wait; -he1"

alias +throw2 "+he2; +attack"
alias -throw2 "-attack; wait; wait; -he2"

alias nade "he_second"
alias he_second "bind MOUSE4 +throw2; dev1; echo he_second; dev0; alias nade he_prim"
alias he_prim "bind MOUSE4 +throw1; dev1; echo he_prim; dev0; alias nade rel"
alias rel "bind MOUSE4 +reload; dev1; echo he_prim; dev1; echo Reload; dev0; alias nade he_prim"

bind "MOUSE5" "nade"

alias w5 "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias w30 "w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5"
alias show_hands "r_drawviewmodel 1"
alias no_hands "r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias fastweapup "show_hands; invprev; +attack; w2; -attack; w30; no_hands"
alias fastweapdown "show_hands; invnext; +attack; w2; -attack; w30; no_hands"

bind "MWHEELDOWN" "fastweapdown"
bind "MWHEELUP" "fastweapup"


alias +hethro "weapon_hegrenade; wait; wait; +attack"
alias -hethro " wait; -attack"

bind "mouse1" "+hethro"

alias cngmwon "change; wait; wait; change2; wait; emwc; alias cngmw cngmwoff"
alias cngmwoff "changebk; wait; wait; changebk2; wait; emwc2; alias cngmw cngmwon"
alias change "bind MWHEELUP +attack"
alias change2 "bind MWHEELDOWN +attack"
alias emwc "echo Mouse Wheel Up/Down Changed to attack"
alias emwc2 "echo Mouse Wheel Up/Down Changed to Default"

alias changebk "bind MWHEELUP invnext"
alias changebk2 "bind MWHEELDOWN invprev"

alias cngmw "cngmwon"

bind "?" "cngmw"


alias qpist "slot2; +attack; wait; wait; -attack"

bind "a" "qpist"


alias +quiksilencer "+attack2; wait; wait; wait"
alias -quiksilencer "-attack2; weapon_knife; wait; wait; lastinv"

bind "q" "+quiksilencer"


alias qwpn "slot1; +attack; wait; wait; -attack"

bind "l" "qwpn"

//Select Fire Script// by: submitted by: hoLy
Description: a select fire switch that switches between burst and full auto.

// Select Fire Group Switch
// Switch Fire Modes from Single to 2-Round Burst to Full Auto.
alias "longwait" "wait;wait;wait"
alias "triggergroup" "selectsemi"
alias "selectsemi" "bind mouse1 semi;developer 1;echo ..:: SEMI AUTOMATIC FIRE ::..;developer 0;alias triggergroup selectburst"
alias "selectburst" "bind mouse1 burst;developer 1;echo ..:: BURST FIRE ::..;developer 0;alias triggergroup selectauto"
alias "selectauto" "bind mouse1 +attack;developer 1;echo ..:: FULL AUTOMATIC FIRE ::..;developer 0;alias triggergroup selectsemi"
alias "semi" "+attack;longwait;-attack"
alias "burst" "+attack;longwait;-attack;longwait;+attack;longwait;-attack;longwait;+attack;longwait;-attack;longwait"

bind "mouse1" "+attack"
bind "a" "triggergroup"

alias shoot_pist "+attack; wait; wait; -attack; slot2"
alias normal_atk "+attack"
alias -attack_button "-attack"
alias sp_on "developer 1; echo ** Pistol Switcher ON **;developer 0; alias +attack_button shoot_pist; alias sp_switcher sp_off"
alias sp_off "developer 1; echo ** Pistol Switcher OFF **; developer 0; alias +attack_button normal_atk; alias sp_switcher sp_on"
alias sp_switcher "sp_on"

bind leftarrow "sp_switcher"
bind mouse1 +attack_button

狙击Sniper- Awp Fire / Pistol/ Awp Fast转换!

alias dev0 "developer 0"
alias dev1 "developer 1"
hud_fastswitch 1
alias fast "faston"
alias faston "bind mouse1 fastatt; dev1; echo Fast Sniper Attack *ON*; dev0; alias fast fastoff"
alias fastoff "bind mouse1 +attack; dev1; echo Fast Sniper Attack *OFF*; dev0; alias fast faston"
alias fastatt "+attack; wait; -attack; fson; slot2; slot1; fsoff"

bind "kp_enter" "fast"

//Sniper- Ultimate awp fast switch...............好个无限制!
alias d1 "developer 1"
alias d0 "developer 0"
alias +awpsw "+attack; wait; -attack; wait; slot3; wait; -attack; wait; slot1"
alias -awpsw "-attack" alias awptog "exec awp.cfg; d1; echo *OWNAGE ON*; d0; wait; bind mouse5 togawp"
alias togawp "exec normfire.cfg; d1; echo *NORMAL FIRE*; d0; wait; bind mouse5 awptog"

alias normfire "exec normfire.cfg"

bind "mouse1" "+awpsw"
bind "1" "slot1; exec awp.cfg"
bind "2" "slot2; normfire"
bind "3" "slot3; normfire"
bind "4" "slot4; normfire"
bind "mouse5" "awptog"
bind "mwheelup" "slot2; normfire"
bind "mwheeldown" "slot2; normfire"
bind "mouse1" "+attack"
bind "1" "slot1; exec awp.cfg"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "mwheelup" "lastinv" //(or whatever)
bind "mwheeldown" "lastinv"
bind "mouse5" "exec awp.cfg; d1; echo *AWP ON*; d0"


alias go_slot1 "weapon_ak47; weapon_aug; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_m249; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m3; weapon_mac10; weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_scout; weapon_sg552; weapon_sg550; weapon_ump45; weapon_tmp; weapon_xm1014; weapon_awp"
alias go_slot2 "weapon_deagle; weapon_usp; weapon_glock18; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven"
alias pist_t "pist_on"
alias pist_on "go_slot2; alias pist_t pist_off"
alias pist_off "go_slot1; alias pist_t pist_on"

bind "MOUSE4" "pist_t"

alias +unzoom "weapon_knife; w2; slot1; w2; +attack"
alias -unzoom "wait; -attack"
alias w2 "wait; wait"

bind "z" "+unzoom"


alias +useattack "+attack ;wait; wait; +use"
alias -useattack "-attack; wait; wait; -use" alias useatk "useon"
alias useon "bind mouse1 +useattack; developer 1; echo Use Attack On; developer 0; alias useatk useoff"
alias useoff "bind mouse1 +attack; developer 1; echo Use Attack Off; developer 0; alias useatk useon"

bind "u" "useatk"


alias +switchatkr "+attack; cl_righthand 1; bind home normal"
alias -switchatkr "-attack; cl_righthand 0 bind home switchatk"
alias switchatk "+switchatkr"

bind home "switchatk"


alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias +zoom "+attack2; w3; w3; -attack2"
alias -zoom "bind mouse1 +attak"
alias +attak "+attack; w3; w3; w3"
alias -attak "-attack; w3; w3; w3; weapon_knife; w3; w3; w3; slot1; w3; w3; w3; +attack; w3; w3; w3; -attack; bind mouse1 +attack"

bind "mouse3" "+zoom"

alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"
alias +zoomx "+attack2; w3; w3; -attack2"
alias -zoomx "bind mouse1 +attakx"
alias +attakx "+attack; w3; w3; w3"
alias -attakx "-attack; w3; w3; w3; slot2; w3; w3; w3; +attack; w3; w3; w3; -attack; bind mouse1 +attack"

bind "mouse3" "+zoomx"



等级: 列兵
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2007-04-07 0










等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2007-04-07 0
噢噢  忘记说明了 在那些中文下面不是有一些英文字母吗?  把那些复制下来 然后在cstrike里创建个 1.cfg     也就是记事本  然后把想要功能下面的英文字母复制并粘贴到记事本里  保存    以后进入游戏就可以在控制台里输入exec 1.cfg激活了 如果不想要在控制台里激活这么麻烦的步骤  还可以用记事本打开config.cfg  然后在最后一行输入 bind "F1" "exec 1.cfg" 这样就可以在游戏中按F1激活了


等级: 管理员
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2007-04-08 0




等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2007-04-08 0


alias +he1 "weapon_hegrenade"
alias -he1 "slot1"
alias +he2 "weapon_hegrenade"
alias -he2 "slot2"

alias +throw1 "+he1; +attack"
alias -throw1 "-attack; wait; wait; -he1"

alias +throw2 "+he2; +attack"
alias -throw2 "-attack; wait; wait; -he2"

alias nade "he_second"
alias he_second "bind MOUSE4 +throw2; dev1; echo he_second; dev0; alias nade he_prim"
alias he_prim "bind MOUSE4 +throw1; dev1; echo he_prim; dev0; alias nade rel"
alias rel "bind MOUSE4 +reload; dev1; echo he_prim; dev1; echo Reload; dev0; alias nade he_prim"

bind "MOUSE5" "nade"

这个脚本是 扔完O4......

自动切换 到刀子???????



等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 5楼  发表于: 2007-04-08 0


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