console "1"
alias dvon "developer 1"
alias dvoff "developer 0"
localinfo mm_gamedll PODBot/podbot.dll
alias says "dvon; echo <Welcome to Zeus.<A`sa>*>; dvoff"
alias tex1 "gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
alias tex2 "gl_texturemode gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
alias tex3 "gl_texturemode gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest"
alias tex4 "gl_texturemode gl_nearest"
gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest"
fps_max "100"
cl_bobup "0"
cl_bob "0"
cl_bobcycle "0"
cl_cmdrate "20"
cl_updaterate "20"
cl_corpsestay "0"
cl_showfps "1"
cl_minmodels "0"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_filter "0"
hud_saytext_time "3"
ex_maxerrordistance "0"
ex_maxaccel "2000"
ex_maxspeed "750"
ex_diminishextrap "0"
ex_correct "0"
ex_extrapmax "1.2"
ex_minvelocity "0"
mp_decals "250"
gl_mipcap "1"
gl_max_size "128"
gl_keeptjunctions "0"
gl_picmip "1"
gl_cull "1"
gl_clear "1"
gl_lightholes "0"
gl_playermip "2"
gl_round_down "10"
gl_wateramp "0"
gl_ztrick "1"
r_mmx "1"
r_decals "50"
r_dynamic "0"
r_mirroralpha "0"
violence_ablood "1"
violence_agibs "0"
violence_hblood "0"
violence_hgibs "0"
scr_conspeed "7777777"
model "31337"
lookstrafe "0"
lookspring "0"
gunsmoke "0"
texgamma "2.5"
lightgamma "0.1"
brightness "31337"
gamma "31337"
ati_subdiv "2.0"
ati_npatch "1.0"
hpk_maxsize "0"
ex_interp "0.05"
//MODIFIED 9/3/2002
//Modified slot1 and slot2
//Modified 10/3/02
//ex_interp 0.05 from .01
alias buy1 "menuselect 1"
alias buy2 "menuselect 2"
alias buy3 "menuselect 3"
alias buy4 "menuselect 4"
alias buy5 "menuselect 5"
alias buy6 "menuselect 6"
alias buy7 "menuselect 7"
alias buy8 "menuselect 8"
alias buy9 "menuselect 9"
alias w "wait"
alias wlng "w; w; w; w; slot10; w; w; slot10; w; slot10"
alias clm "wlng; w; w; slot10; w; slot10"
alias clmbuy "w; w; w; slot10; w; w; slot10"
alias +jumpclm "+jump; slot10"
alias -jumpclm "-jump"
alias wepitems "buy; buy6; w; slot10"
alias pistitems "buy; buy7; w; slot10"
alias buyammop "buy; buy6; clmbuy"
alias buyammos "buy; buy7; clmbuy"
alias vest "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy1; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Kevlar Vest]"
alias helm "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy2; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[Kevlar Vest & Helmet]###*"
alias fb "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy3; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Flashbang]"
alias hegren "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy4; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[HE Grenade]###*"
alias sgren "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy5; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Smoke Grenade]"
alias defuser "dvon; buyequip; buy6; clmbuy;say_team I am Take [Defuse Kit]"
alias nvgs "dvon; dvoff; buyequip; buy7; clmbuy; nightvision;say_team I am Buy [NightVision Goggles]"
alias usp "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy1; buy1; pistitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [USP.45ACP Tactical]"
alias glock "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy1; buy2; pistitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Glock 18C]"
alias deagle "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy1; buy3; pistitems; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[Desert Eagle .50AE]###*"
alias p228 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy1; buy4; pistitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Sig P228]"
alias b156 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy1; buy5; buy6; pistitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [FN Five-Seven/Dual 96G Elite Beretta's]"
alias m3 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy2; buy1; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [M3 Super 90 Entry]"
alias xm1014 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy2; buy2; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [XM 1014]"
alias b324 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy3; buy2; buy4; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [FN M249 Para]"
alias mp5 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy3; buy1; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [MP5]"
alias p90 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy3; buy3; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [FN P90]"
alias ump45 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy3; buy5; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [UMP45]"
alias b413 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy4; buy1; buy3; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[AK-47 / M4A1]###*"
alias b424 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy4; buy2; buy4; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[SG552 / Steyr Aug]###*"
alias scout "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy4; buy5; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [Scout]"
alias awp "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy4; buy6; buyammo1; clmbuy;say_team I Am Buy *###[^A W P^]###*"
alias b478 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy4; buy7; buy8; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [G3SG-1/SG-550 Sniper Rifle]"
alias m249 "dvon; dvoff; buy; buy5; buy1; wepitems; clmbuy;say_team I am Buy [FN M249 Para]"
alias "waitlg" "wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait; wait"
alias "exitmenu" "waitlg; slot10; waitlg; slot10"
alias +a "+jump; wait; -jump; wait; +jump; wait; -jump; wait; +jump; wait; -jump;wait; +jump; wait; -jump"
alias -a "-jump"
alias +sjump "+jump;+duck"
alias -sjump "-jump;-duck"
exec config.cfg
name "SwerR"
// movement
bind "t" "+forward"
bind "f" "+moveleft"
bind "g" "+back"
bind "h" "+moveright"
bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "c" "+duck"
bind "MOUSE2" "+speed"
// weapon binds
bind "y" "go_slot1"
bind "r" "go_slot2"
bind "e" "go_slot3"
bind "u" "drop"
bind "m" "+reload"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "weapon_flashbang"
bind "MWHEELUP" "weapon_hegrenade"
// communication binds
bind "k" "say_team >>> Incoming <<<"
bind "i" "say_team >>> Plant the bomb <<<"
bind "INS" "say_team >>> B1 <<<"
bind "DEL" "say_team >>> B2 <<<"
bind "HOME" "say_team >>> YARD <<<"
bind "END" "say_team >>> BOMB HERE <<<"
bind "MOUSE5" "say_team >>> ENEMY SPOTTED <<<"
bind "DOWNARROW" "say q|^.^|p"
bind "p" "radio1"
bind "o" "radio2"
bind "l" "radio3"
bind "z" "messagemode"
bind "a" "messagemode2"
// buy binds
bind "F1" "buy"
bind "F2" "buyammo1"
bind "F3" "buyammo2"
bind "F4" "buyequip"
// attack binds
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"
bind "MOUSE4" "+attack2"
// other binds
bind "TAB" "+showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect"
bind "+" "sizeup"
bind "-" "sizedown"
bind "0" "slot10"
bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"
bind "4" "slot4"
bind "5" "slot5"
bind "6" "slot6"
bind "7" "slot7"
bind "8" "slot8"
bind "9" "slot9"
bind "=" "sizeup"
bind "`" "toggleconsole"
bind "j" "timeleft"
bind "q" "screenshot"
bind "x" "+use"
bind "~" "toggleconsole"
bind "UPARROW" "impulse 201"
bind "F5" "chooseteam"
bind "F10" "quit"
bind "F11" "retry;clear"
bind "PGUP" "adjust_crosshair"
bind "PAUSE" "pause"
// all other crap :D
voice_scale "2.000000"
voice_enable "1"
voice_forcemicrecord "0.000000"
console "1"
fps_max "100"
fps_modem "0.0"
crosshair "1.000000"
gamma "3.000000"
brightness "1.000000"
con_color "0 255 0"
net_graph "0"
net_scale "5"
net_graphpos "2"
sv_voiceenable "1"
sv_aim "0.000000"
hpk_maxsize "0"
viewsize "110.000000"
ati_subdiv "2.0"
ati_npatch "1.0"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
mp_decals "300.000000"
gl_dither "1"
gl_polyoffset "0.1"
gl_overbright "0.000000"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_monolights "0"
s_rolloff "1.0"
s_doppler "0.0"
s_distance "60"
s_automin_distance "2.0"
s_automax_distance "30.0"
s_min_distance "8.0"
s_max_distance "1000.0"
s_leafnum "0"
s_refgain "0.4"
s_refdelay "4"
s_polykeep "1000000000"
s_polysize "10000000"
s_numpolys "200"
s_bloat "2.0"
s_verbwet "0.25"
s_a3d "0.000000"
s_eax "0.000000"
volume "0.500000"
suitvolume "0.250000"
hisound "1.000000"
bgmvolume "0.000000"
MP3Volume "0.800000"
_snd_mixahead "0.1"
team ""
model ""
skin ""
topcolor "0"
bottomcolor "0"
rate "25000.000000"
cl_updaterate "101"
cl_lw "1"
cl_lc "1"
cl_dlmax "128"
cl_himodels "0.000000"
cl_idealpitchscale "0.8"
cl_timeout "305"
cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_download_ingame "1"
cl_allowdownload "1"
cl_allowupload "1"
cl_cmdrate "101"
lookstrafe "0.000000"
lookspring "0.000000"
cl_forwardspeed "400"
cl_backspeed "400"
cl_vsmoothing "0.05"
m_pitch "0.022"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_forward "1"
m_side "0.8"
m_filter "0.000000"
sensitivity "4.00000"
joystick "0.000000"
hud_takesshots "0"
fastsprites "0"
cl_corpsestay "600.000000"
_cl_autowepswitch "0"
hud_capturemouse "1"
hud_draw "1"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_minmodels "1"
cl_dynamiccrosshair "0"
hud_fastswitch "1"
hud_centerid "1"
voice_modenable "0.000000"
hud_classautokill "1"
setinfo "_ah" "0"
setinfo "vgui_menus" "0"
setinfo "ah" "0"
setinfo "lefthand" "0"
setinfo "dm" "0"
setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"