ok go to aimbot.h and add this:
vector<aimvec> AimVecsJD;
ok go to aimbot.cpp in draw player vecs add this:
if (vPlayers[ax].getEnt()->curstate.usehull == 1 && vPlayers[ax].getEnt()->curstate.gaitsequence == 6)
pos = AimVecsJD.begin();
end = AimVecsJD.end();
now go to TargetRegion and add this:
if (vPlayers[ax].getEnt()->curstate.usehull == 1 && vPlayers[ax].getEnt()->curstate.gaitsequence == 6)
si = AimVecsJD.begin(); end = AimVecsJD.end();
k now to CalcTargetSpot add this:
if (ent->curstate.usehull==1 && vPlayers[ax].getEnt()->curstate.gaitsequence == 6 && AimVecsJD.size()>0)
f = AimVecsJD[0].f;
h = AimVecsJD[0].h;
r = AimVecsJD[0].r;
k find ur func_avadd in client.cpp and add this:
if (duck == 3)
now in func_avclear add:
and in func_avlist add this:
if (dmmy == 3)
Con_Echo("Listing AimVecs(3) Jump Ducking\n");
for (vector<aimvec>::iterator si = gAimbot.AimVecsJD.begin(); si != gAimbot.AimVecsJD.end();++si)
Con_Echo("Height: &w%f&a Forward: &w%f&a Right: &w%f&a\n",si->h,si->f,si->r);
and now compile and should work
ok for avadd 2 its basically works like avadd 1 heres good useful stuff..
Avadd 2 HIGH HEAD = avadd 2 11.3 -> 12.8 | 6.8 -> 7.4 | 3.8 -> 4.2
Avadd 2 MIDDLE HEAD = avadd 2 10.2 -> 10.8 | 6.6 -> 7.2 | 3.8 -> 4.2
Avadd 2 LOW HEAD = avadd 2 9.6 -> 10.1 | 6.5 -> 7.3 | 3.7 -> 4.3
ok for avadd 3 its kinda like avadd 1 except the height and some stuff is increased/lowered..
Avadd 3 HIGH HEAD = avadd 3 16.6 -> 17.2 | 6.5 -> 7.5 | 3.2 -> 4.1
Avadd 3 MIDDLE HEAD = avadd 3 15.3 -> 15.8 | 6.6 -> 7.3 | 3.4 -> 4.2
Avadd 3 LOW HEAD = avadd 3 14.4 -> 15.2 | 6.4 -> 7.1 | 3.3 -> 4.0