This is the Ballhack-Code from my newest Hyprid-Hook Project Enigma.
You need a Basehook with EngFuncs. In this tutorial i used Panzers Base Hook 1.20 with the newest offsets.
First you will need some Variables:
float me[3]; // Variable storring your Coordinates
You need to find out your Player Coordinates
In glTranlatef:
if((x != 0.0f) && (y != 0.0f) && (z != 0.0f)) // If not 0 you get the player cooridantes
me[0] = -x; //Get Player X
me[1] = -y; //Get Player Y
me[2] = -z; //Get Player Z
This Code put at the beginning:
bool isValidEnt(cl_entity_s *ent)
if(ent && (ent != pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer()) && !(ent->curstate.effects & EF_NODRAW) && ent->player && !ent->curstate.spectator && ent->curstate.solid && !(ent->curstate.messagenum < pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer()->curstate.messagenum)) // Check if Entry ist a Player and if he is alive
return true; //YES
return false; //NO
Next well need some Functions for the ESP
Function to recognize if a model is a counter or a terrorist:
int GetTeamByModel(char *mdl)
if( strstr(mdl,"leet")||
strstr(mdl,"terror") ||
strstr(mdl,"arctic") ||
strstr(mdl,"guerilla") )
return 0;
if( strstr(mdl,"gign") ||
strstr(mdl,"gsg9") ||
strstr(mdl,"sas") ||
strstr(mdl,"urban") ||
strstr(mdl,"vip") )
return 1;
return -1;
Distance Formula between you and an other Player:
int GetDistance(float *pos)
float a,b,c;
a = pos[0] - me[0]; //Distance between the x Coordinate auf me and of another Player
b = pos[1] - me[1]; //Distance between the y Coordinate auf me and of another Player
c = pos[2] - me[2]; //Distance between the z Coordinate auf me and of another Player
return sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c); // Full Distance
Function that draw your Ballhack:
inline void drawBall( int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int alpha, int radius=1) {
int boxradius = (30.0*9.0) / radius; // Correct the Size of the Ball that it is nearly as big as a Models head
gEngfuncs.pfnFillRGBA(x-(boxradius/2), y-(600/radius), boxradius, boxradius,r,g,b,alpha);//Draw the Ball
Okay next well need h1webs ESP function ( *modified*)
static void PlayerEsp()
float drawhere[2]; // Storring the X and Y Coordinates on where the ball will be drawn
int dist; // Distance between you and your target
int espr,espg,espb; // Variables for storring the balls color
espr = 255;
espg = 0;
espb = 0;
cl_entity_t *ent, *pLocal = pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer(); // Get the Information of the entity struct of the local player
hud_player_info_t pinfo;
for(int i = 0; i < 33; i++) // Loop for all player that cold be connected on the server
if(i == pLocal->index) continue; // Check if a Player with this id is connected
cl_entity_s *ent = pEngfuncs->GetEntityByIndex(i); //Get the coordinates of him
pEngfuncs->pfnGetPlayerInfo(i, &pinfo); //store the coordinates in pinfo
dist = GetDistance(ent->origin)/ 22.0f; // Calculate the distance between you and every other player
if(ent != NULL && isValidEnt(ent)/*Credits to tabris*/) // Check if Ent is a Player and if he is alive
if(CalcScreen(ent->origin,drawhere)) // Calculate the Screencoordinate from the World Coordinates of ever Player
float drawhere[2];
CalcScreen(ent->origin, drawhere); // Dont know why h1web Calculate the screen more then 1 time but it works
CalcScreen(ent->origin, drawhere);// Dont know why h1web Calculate the screen more then 1 time but it works
if ( GetTeamByModel(pinfo.model) == 0 ) { // Check if Player ist Terrorist
espr = 255;
espg = 0; // Set color RED
espb = 0;
if ( GetTeamByModel(pinfo.model) == 1 ) { // Check if Player is Counter
espr = 0;
espg = 0; // Set color BLUE
espb = 255;
drawBall(drawhere[0],drawhere[1],espr,espg,espb,255,dist); //Draw Ball
At last we´ll call the PlayerEsp() Function in DrawOnHud or in every 5th glViewport
Hope you have fun with your Ballhack

Plz dont copy this tutorial anyware just link to it on this page.
If you use this Code in your Hack Credit to Panzer, Patrick, h1web, tabris and me.
edit : Added Comments

- Hope that De-Sire could understand this Code now