That takes care of the calculation of positions and shit thorugh walls and behind you and in front of oyu. The clipping is found
through calculations and maths...if you have basic C++ knowledge you can see the math thats being done...
cl_entity_t *pLocal = localplayer
hud_player_info_t pinfo;
for(int i = 0; i < 33; i++)
if(i == pLocal->index) continue;
cl_entity_s *ent = getentbyindex(i)
pEngfuncs->pfnGetPlayerInfo(i, &pinfo);
if(ent != NULL && valident?(ent))
// For here you can just use the model structures from any ESP that h1web found/did
// Use the thread i made about model structures...
Thats the drawing done...Then all you need to do is make a function for drawing the radar frame. If its that much trouble for
anyone to find the placement of the frame then ill post my function later.
One more thing for physicaly finding the positions and finishing the math calculations inside the calcradarpoint function.
This is for hybrid so this can be done in viewport.
me.pmEyePos[0]+= pPmove->origin[0];
me.pmEyePos[1]+= pPmove->origin[1];
me.pmEyePos[2]+= pPmove->origin[2];
float fYaw = pPmove->angles[1]*(3.1415/180.0);
me.sin_yaw = sin(fYaw);
me.minus_cos_yaw = -cos(fYaw);
pPmove is called from the playermove find the offset and have fun. Its pretty much in all bases now.
once agian since im so helpful if you cant find it or whatever then once agian ill post it.