When i was reading around i read the request from Speedy about how to draw the player list, well here it is, but it's just a base to see how it works
credits go to h1web, cause i used a small part from his "esp base" biggrin.gif, and panzer as usual for his isValidEnt function.
I couldn't test it but it should work, if it doesn't, tell me, leave a msg and tell me what's the problem
just call the drawPlayerList() every 1st viewport
//================================================== ================ ================
bool isValidEnt(cl_entity_s *ent)
if(ent && (ent != pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer())
&& !(ent->curstate.effects & EF_NODRAW)
&& ent->player
&& !ent->curstate.spectator
&& ent->curstate.solid
&& !(ent->curstate.messagenum < pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer()->curstate.messagenum))
return true;
return false;
// ================================================== ==============================
int Team(int i) // 1 is terror , 2 is counter , 3 is all the rest
hud_player_info_t pinfo;
cl_entity_t *pMe = pEngfuncs->GetLocalPlayer();
cl_entity_s *ent = pEngfuncs->GetEntityByIndex(i);
pEngfuncs->pfnGetPlayerInfo(i, &pinfo);
if(ent != NULL && isValidEnt(ent))
if( strstr( pinfo.model, "arctic" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "guerilla" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "leet" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "terror" ) ) {
return 1;
else if( strstr( pinfo.model, "gign" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "gsg9" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "sas" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "urban" ) || strstr( pinfo.model, "vip" ) ) {
return 2;
return 0;
// ================================================== ==============================
void drawPlayerList()
int terror_y = 0;
int counter_y = 0;
int x = 50;
hud_player_info_t pInfo;
for (int ax=0;ax<33;ax++)
cl_entity_s *ent = pEngfuncs->GetEntityByIndex(ax);
pEngfuncs->pfnGetPlayerInfo(ax, &pInfo);
if (ent != NULL && isValidEnt(ent))
char buf[128];
if (Team(ax) == 1)
terror_y += 15;
else if (Team(ax) == 2)
counter_y += 15;