Friday, September 7 2007
You've met the
Heavy, You've met the
Soldier. In a few short days you'll be able to meet the Engineer, the third character to introduce himself from Team Fortress 2. The high-definition movie will be posted on Steam early next week.
While the Heavy considers bullets-per-minute the measure of a man, and the Soldier values an unusually deep knowledge of military philosophy, the Engineer is content to solve problems. Practical problems. Click the thumbnails for a sneak peek.

In other TF2 news, stay tuned for a pretty big announcement next week. You're going to want to hold off on planning any vacations until you hear what we've got to say on Tuesday.
下周将放出第三个视频: Meet The Engineer , 工程师
下周还会有个重大巨大的惊喜发布 没准是TF2预载

正式版TF2将在2007年10月9号 与Half-Life2 :Episode Two (资料片:第2章) 同时发布.