// hooks wallhacks scriptes
//; alias nightmode "exec ahl/wallhacks/night.rc"
//; alias whitemode "exec ahl/wallhacks/white.rc"
//; alias fullbmode "exec ahl/wallhacks/fullb.rc"
//; alias cellsmode "exec ahl/wallhacks/cells.rc"
//; alias drawvmode "exec ahl/wallhacks/drawv.rc"
//; alias decalmode "decalon"
//; alias decalon "gl_polyoffset 9999; alias decalmode decalof; speak on"
//; alias decalof "gl_polyoffset -0.1; alias decalmode decalon; speak of"
// No Spread - By Feuerdrach2 v.
//; alias +attack_ "alias _special attack_;attack_"
//; alias -attack_ "alias _special"
//; alias attack_ "+attack;wait;-attack;wait;special"
//; alias +DSFGFDGDFG "cl_pitchspeed 0.000;ex_interp 0.000;m_pitch 0.000;m_yaw 0.000;+attack_"
//; alias -DSFGFDGDFG "ex_interp 0.01;m_pitch 0.022;m_yaw 0.033;-attack_"
// one shot rec ctrl (work at the first shot)
//; alias w "wait"
//; alias +oscc "+attack; cl_pitchspeed 30; +lookdown;w;w;w;w;-lookdown; cl_pitchspeed 160;+lookup;w;-lookup"
//; alias -oscc "-attack"
//; alias oscc "oscc_on"
//; alias oscc_on "bind mouse1 +oscc; echo one shot rec ctrl \on/; speak on; alias oscc oscc_off"
//; alias oscc_off "bind mouse1 +attack; echo one shot rec c ctrl \of/; speak of; alias oscc oscc_on"
// The oOne Shot
//; alias oOne "+attack;wait; -attack"
//; alias oOattack "oO_on"
//; alias oO_on "bind mouse1 oOne; echo oO a ttack \on/; speak on; alias oOattack oO_off"
//; alias oO_off "bind mouse1 +attack; echo oO a ttack \of/;speak of;alias oOattack oO_on"这里又是怎么回事啊????//
// Antirecoil Script v.
//; cl_pitchspeed "2.1"
//; alias +I0wnYoUUnBeAtAbLE "+attack;+lookdown"
//; alias -I0wnYoUUnBeAtAbLE "-attack;-lookdown"
//; alias AS "as_on"
//; alias as_on "bind mouse1 +I0wnYoUUnBeAtAbLE; speak on; echo Antirecoil Script \on/; alias AS as_off"
//; alias as_off "bind mouse1 +attack; speak of; echo Antirecoil Script \off/; alias AS as_on"
// fast awp switch
//; alias go_slot1 "weapon_awp"
//; alias sabba_shot "+attack;wait; slot3; wait; go_slot1; -attack"
//; alias fast_awp_swicth "sabba_on"
//; alias sabba_on "bind MOUSE1 sabba_shot; echo fast awp switch \on/; speak on; alias fast_awp_swicth sabba_off"
//; alias sabba_off "bind MOUSE1 +attack; echo fast awp switch \of/; speak of; alias fast_awp_swicth sabba_on"
// fast glock attack
//; alias +fastglock "+attack;+attack2;+attack2;+attack"
//; alias -fastglock "-attack;-attack2;-attack2;-attack"
//; alias fast_glock_attack "fgon"
//; alias fgon "bind mouse1 +fastglock; echo fast glock attack \on/; speak on; alias fast_glock_attack fgoff"
//; alias fgoff "bind mouse1 +attack; echo fast glock attck \of/; speak of; alias fast_glock_attack fgon"
// Quick Bomb Defus
//; alias qdefuse "qdefuse.on"
//; alias qdefuse.on "+use; echo quick bomb defus \on/; speak on; say_team I get !b o m b! defuseing; alias qdefuse qdefuse.off"
//; alias qdefuse.off "-use; echo quick bomb defus \of/; speak of; alias qdefuse qdefuse.on"
// Bunny Hop
//; alias +_bhop "alias _special bhop_;bhop_"
//; alias -_bhop "alias _special"
//; alias bhop_ "-+;wait;special"
//; alias -+ "bhop+"
//; alias bhop+ "+jump;alias -+ bhop-"
//; alias bhop- "-jump;alias -+ bhop+"
//; alias bhop "bhop.on"
//; alias bhop.on "bind mouse2 +_bhop; echo bunny hop \on/; speak on; alias bhop bhop.off"
//; alias bhop.off "bind mouse2 +attack2; -jump; echo bunny hop \of/; speak of; alias bhop bhop.on"
// H-jump
//; alias sprung1 "alias _special sprung; sprung; alias sprungx sprung0"
//; alias sprung0 "alias _special; alias sprungx sprung1"
//; alias sprung "spring; wait; special"
//; alias spring "spring1"
//; alias spring1 "+jump; wait; -jump; alias spring spring2"
//; alias spring2 "+jump; wait; -jump; alias spring spring1"
//; alias +sprung "sprung1"
//; alias -sprung "sprung0"
// walk and run
//; alias walkandrun "walk"
//; alias walk "+speed; alias walkandrun run"
//; alias run "-speed; alias walkandrun walk"
// toggle voice
//; alias voice "voice_on"
//; alias voice_on "+voicerecord;alias voice voice_off"
//; alias voice_off "-voicerecord;alias voice voice_on"
//; q- switch gun1
//; alias gun2 "slot2;alias gun1 slot1"
//; alias gun2-1 "gun2;wait;wait;wait;wait; gun1"//(这里是不是按Q就换武器?按Q后它会换到第一武器,而不是上一武器是吗?我只想让它切换到上一武器,而不是第一武器该怎么改呢?)
// change h and
//; alias changehand hand_left
//; alias hand_left "cl_righthand 0;alias changehand hand_right"
//; alias hand_right "cl_righthand 1;alias changehand hand_left"
// by ahl
[ 此贴被nine13在2007-11-24 15:02重新编辑 ]