过最新vac2 2008.02.25
Name........: PLWH
Real Name...: PlastiKe WallHack
Version.....: 2.3
VAC2 Status.: Undetected (25.02.2008)
OffSets Work: Working (09.01.2007)
+ Menu Interfrace
-> have menu for enable/disable features
+ XQZ Wallhack
-> wallhack all transwalls
+ ASUS Wallhack
-> wallhack percent transwalls/players/wpns
+ SpeedKey
-> select your favorite key for use speed
+ Aspeed
-> speed hack on press attack button
+ Speed
-> automation speedhack
+ KnifeSpeed
-> enable on knife attack
+ Crosshairs (6 differents)
-> six differents crosshairs in color
+ LocalGlow
-> you playerhand is viewable on blue color
+ NoFlash/NoSmoke
-> disable flashbang and smoke grenade effects
+ NoSky
-> show sky texture on plain black
+ Custom MenuBind
-> select your favorite key for open/close menu
+ Informations
-> enable/disable cheat informations on cs screen
+ Save/Load configuration on .ini
-> automatic save and load your cheat configuration
+ Auto Update CRC32
-> on loader start, automatic CRC32 is changed to new
** Aspeed, Speed and KnifeSpeed is BETA-Features! :)
Menu = Supr/Del (Default key)
Navigation = Arrows, Mouse Wheel
Selection = Arrows or Mouse clicks (Mouse1, Mouse2)
- Run decadurabolin.exe
- Join Counter-Strike 1.6
- In Game press Supr/Del (Default key) for show menu
- Enable your favorites features
- Enjoy!