DJ 猫咪宝贝

猴岛论坛影音天地DJ 猫咪宝贝
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DJ 猫咪宝贝



等级: 准尉
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-01-21 0
DJ 猫咪宝贝
I'm a girl, you're a boy 
We're too old to play with toys 
Won't you tell me what's your name? 
You could be my brand new game 
You begin and roll the dice 
I would smile and break the ice 
Tell me how could I resist when you're my favorite kiss 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee 
See the moon and see the sun, shining down on everyone 
They know how in love we are, I heard them tell it to a star 
There's no mountain, 
there's no sea that could keep your love away from me 
No matter what the distance is, you're still my favorite kiss 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee 
La la la, tell me what your secret is 
La la la, why won't you let me know 
La la la, nothing makes me feel like this 
La la la, cause you're my favorite kiss 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy take my hand and come along with me 
Kissy kissy makes me happy 
Honey honey sweet as candy 
Kissy kissy love is grand with you my sugar bee 
La la la, tell me what your secret is 
La la la, why won't you let me know 
La la la, nothing makes me feel like this 
La la la, cause you're my favorite kiss 
[ 此贴被№猥鎖莮在2010-01-21 06:41重新编辑 ]
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +3


金钱主宰人生 ゜


等级: 上将
你是我的眼 *

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-01-21 0
你可以去右上角有个搜索  啥看下有没有重复的


等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2010-01-21 0




等级: 上校
叛逆+嚣张+放任= 我的个性╱╲╱╲ 张

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2010-01-21 0
不错听了 很长时间了  在次听还是不错的
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