1.凤凰帮(Phoenix Connexion):
Having established a reputation for killing anyone that gets in their way, the Phoenix Faction is one of the most feared terrorist groups in Eastern Europe. Formed shortly after the breakup of the 2.USSR.L337·克鲁教派(L337 Krew):
Middle Eastern fundamentalist group bent on world domination and various other evil deeds.
3.北极复仇者(Arctic Avengers):
Swedish terrorist faction founded in 1977. Famous for their bombing of the Canadian embassy in 1990.
4.游击战队(Guerilla Warfare):
A terrorist faction founded in the Middle East, this group has a reputation for ruthlessness. Their disgust for the American lifestyle was demonstrated in their 1982 bombing of a school bus full of Rock and Roll musicians.
5.密执安州民兵(Militia):【map cs_militia】
The Midwest Militia is a right-wing extremist movement consisting of formal and informal armed paramilitary groups. This anti-government group was founded in 1993 after the standoff in Waco, Texas.(特殊地图中有此人物)
反恐精英(CT FORCES):
1.美国海豹部队六队(SEAL TEAM 6):
ST-6 (to be known later as DEVGRU) was founded in 1980 under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Richard Marcincko. ST-6 was placed on permanent alert to respond to terrorist attacks against American targets worldwide.
GSG-9 was born out of the tragic events that led to the death of several Israeli athletes during the 1972 Olympic games in Munich, Germany.
The world-renowned British SAS was founded in the Second World War by a man named David Stirling. Their role during WW2 involved gathering intelligence behind enemy lines and executing sabotage strikes and assassinations against key targets.
France's elite Counter-Terrorist unit, the GIGN, was designed to be a fast response force that could decisively react to any large-scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no more than 100 men, the GIGN has earned its reputation through a history of successful ops.
俄罗斯特殊任命部队是在前苏联时期所组建成的特种部队,SPETSNAZ是voiska spetsialnoyenaznacheniya的缩写,意思是:特殊任命部队。这些前苏军特殊任命部队的老兵们的主要任务就是:获得主要经济和军事基地的情报,毁坏或消灭这些经济和军事基地;组织破坏和颠覆行动;对叛乱者采取惩罚性的行动;建立和训练起义部队等等。
The primary missions of the Russian SPETSNAZ are: acquiring intelligence on major economic and military installations and either destroying them or putting them out of action, organizing sabotage and acts of subversion; carrying out punitive operations against rebels; forming and training insurgent detachments, etc.(特殊地图中有此人物)