- 注册时间 2009-02-01
- 最后登录 2014-03-05
- 发帖3395
- 在线668小时
- 精华0
- DB3961
- 威望2088
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1. Buy 2 Weapons of same type _> 1x shining bow 1x dragonic bow 买2把一个类型的武器,比如一把金星弓(-_-)一把龙之弓
2. now enchant the one you want to get high till the safe enchant limit (most of the time +3) -> you have then SB+3 and DB+0 先强化那把你想要加高的弓一直点到安全值比如+3,比如你现在有把+3金星弓 一把+0龙弓
3. Now it depends on your timing! Take an enchantscroll - activate it - put your SB+3 in it and click enchant - the weapon and the scroll flow in an animation together 4. Right 0,3seconds before the little firework /explosion comes you put the DB+0 in the enchant window 现在就看你把握时间了 用一张S5,把你的+3金星弓放进去,点强化,这时候有一个武器强化的小动画-武器卷和武器发光结合在一起那个
What now will happen will blow your brain ^^ You had an SB+3 in it but the window will say Successfuly DB+1 ...BUT.... if you look in you inventory you can see that the DB is still +0! The safe enchant (1->2->3) will be gone on the SB which will be +4 (safe!) .... 你肯定看傻了吧 现在强化的是+3金星弓,但是系统提示龙弓强化成功 +1了 但是如果你看下你的包包你的龙弓仍然是 +0 金星弓被安全+4了
You have to train it a few times before you know when you have to put the +0 in the window! 欲练神功必先苦练
Tip: Train with d-grade first before you try on s-grade! And another tipp... work with the sound! ... the second before the weapons come together will have an extraordinary/unique sound!!! 小提示: 用D武器练先... 小提示2号: 注意声音....有用的...武器卷和武器强化在一起前会有种很特别的声音....反正多练就是了             好了,万年实习。请加分~