格式是$body "a" "b"
$body "studio" "leet1"
$body "studio" "leet2"
$body "studio" "leet3"
格式是$bodygroup "a"
$bodygroup "backpack"
{blankstudio "bomb"}
3.$texturegroup skinfamilies
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "a1.bmp" "a2.bmp" "a3.bmp" }
{ "b1.bmp" "b2.bmp" "b3.bmp" }

第二套skin会用 "b1.bmp" "b2.bmp" "b3.bmp" 替换掉"a1.bmp" "a2.bmp" "a3.bmp" 。
格式:$sequence “sequence name” “smd file”
“Sequence name” is a text name for the sequence。
“Smd file” is the name of the smd file which supplies the keyframes for this sequence (without the .smd suffix). It’s a good idea to enclose this in quotes as well.
可以看出“Sequence name”是场景动作的名称, “smd file”是“Sequence name”包含的具有关键帧的smd场景动作。
比如:$sequence "dummy" "dummy"
比如:$sequence "crouch_aim_carbine" {
$sequence “sequence name” “smd file” fps 30 LX loop ACT_WALK 1
LX means that this animation uses “motion extraction” – meaning the movement portion of the animation will be passed on to the AI or the player movement to be evaluated. LX allows you to set up walk or run cycles which in which the poses repeat but the movement is varied by the AI or player control.
Movement animations use the LX motion extraction parameter as part of their $sequence line. LX enables the engine to keep track of the model’s position and prevents the model from snapping back to its initial position after each play-through of the cycle. If you forget to add the LX tag to your sequence, the model will continually pop back to its starting point rather than navigating through the world.
$sequence "crouch_aim_carbine" {
blend XR -90 90 fps 30 loop
在这里注意blend XR -90 90,这里就是合成动作。
blend <axis> <start> <end>
To set up a blending animation, include a second SMD file path after the first in your $sequence line. Then follow it with the blend tag, which allows you to specify the limits for the blend in the same manner as for a $controller. So a ** blend statement would look like this:
$sequence “blend” “up_pose” “down_pose” blend XR 45 -45
The two animation SMDs in a blend $sequence have to have the same number of frames.
$sequence “blend” “up_pose” “down_pose” blend XR 45 -45
$sequence ref_shoot_ak47 "ref_shoot_ak47_blend1" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend2" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend3" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend4" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend5" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend6" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend7" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend8" "ref_shoot_ak47_blend9" fps 30 blend XR -90 90 { event 5001 0 "40" }
$sequence "so_am_I" "so_am_I" fps 30
$sequence "so_am_I" "walk" "crouch_reload_m249" blend XR -90 90 fps 30

根据图片,发现这种合成的模式类似character studio中的动作混合,两个动作都有表现,不是单纯的把第一个的上半身动作与第二个的下半身动作简单合并。
$sequence "ref_aim_onehanded" {
fps 30 loop

“Monster” models – i.e. any model controlled by an AI – use the action tag mechanism. Action tags are added to a $sequence line in the QC file to tell the AI that a particular animation sequence corresponds to a particular AI function – for example walking, shooting, or dying. The AI is only aware of animations marked with action tags. Note that the action tag is not the same as the sequence name – a sequence called “walk” that does not have an ACT_WALK tag will not be recognized as a walk animation by the AI.
The AI will automatically use the speed and duration of tagged animations in its decision-making process. Thus to change a monster’s movement speed, it is necessary only to change its ACT_WALK animation – you could even simply change the framerate of the animation in the QC file. The AI will navigate the character using the new speed without code changes.
It is possible for more than one sequence to have a particular action tag. A character with several different idling animations might have a number of animations with ACT_IDLE tags, for example. If there are multiple sequences with the same action tag, the AI will choose randomly between the eligible sequences. You can weight that choice by adding a number to the action tag; for example if you have two sequences:
$sequence “normal_walk” “normalwalk” fps 30 loop LX ACT_WALK 1
$sequence “silly_walk” “sillywalk” fps 30 loop LX ACT_WALK 2
the “silly walk” animation is twice as likely to be called as the “normal walk”. The probability of choosing the any particular animation is its action tag number divided by the sum of all the numbers for sequences with this tag.
$sequence “normal_walk” “normalwalk” fps 30 loop LX ACT_WALK 1
$sequence “silly_walk” “sillywalk” fps 30 loop LX ACT_WALK 2
Action Tag Description
ACT_ARM Activate weapon (e.g. draw gun)
ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW Barnacle is holding the monster in its mouth ( loop )
ACT_BARNACLE_CHOMP Barnacle latches on to the monster
ACT_BARNACLE_HIT Barnacle tongue hits a monster
ACT_BARNACLE_PULL Barnacle is lifting the monster ( loop )
ACT_BIG_FLINCH Large reaction to non-specific hit
ACT_BITE This plays one time eat loops for large monsters which can eat small things in one bite
ACT_COMBAT_IDLE. Agitated idle, played when monster expects to fight
ACT_COWER Display a fear behavior
ACT_CROUCH The act of crouching down from a standing position
ACT_CROUCHIDLE Hold body in crouched position (loop)
ACT_DETECT_SCENT This means the monster smells a scent carried by the air
ACT_DIE_BACKSHOT Die hit in back
ACT_DIE_CHESTSHOT Die hit in chest
ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT Die hit in gut
ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT Die hit in head.
ACT_DIEBACKWARD Die falling backwards
ACT_DIEFORWARD Die falling forwards
ACT_DIE** Death animation
ACT_DIEVIOLENT Exaggerated death animation
ACT_DISARM Put away weapon (e.g. re-holster gun)
ACT_EAT Monster chewing on a large food item (loop)
ACT_EXCITED For some reason monster is excited. Sees something he really likes to eat or whatever.
ACT_FALL Looping animation for falling monster
ACT_FEAR_DISPLAY Monster just saw something that it is afraid of
ACT_FLINCH_CHEST Flinch from chest hit
ACT_FLINCH_HEAD Flinch from head hit
ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM Flinch from left arm hit
ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG Flinch from left leg hit
ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM Flinch from right arm hit
ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG Flinch from right leg hit
ACT_FLINCH_STOMACH Flinch from stomach hit
ACT_FLY Fly (and flap if appropriate) Fly (lx loop)
ACT_FLY_LEFT Turn left in flight
ACT_FLY_RIGHT Turn right in flight
ACT_GLIDE Fly without wing movement (lx loop)
ACT_GUARD Defend an area
ACT_HOP Vertical jump
ACT_HOVER Idle while in flight (loop)
ACT_IDLE Default behavior when nothing else is going on (loop)
ACT_IDLE_ANGRY Alternate idle animation in which the monster is clearly agitated. (loop)
ACT_INSPECT_FLOOR For active idles -- look at something on or near the floor
ACT_INSPECT_WALL For active idles -- look at something directly ahead of you
(doesn't have to be a wall or on a wall )
ACT_LAND End of a jump
ACT_LEAP Long forward jump
ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 Attack at close range
ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2 Alternate close range attack
ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 Attack with ranged weapon
ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2 Alternate ranged attack
ACT_RELOAD Reload weapon
ACT_ROLL_LEFT Tuck and roll left
ACT_ROLL_RIGHT Tuck and roll right
ACT_RUN Run (loop)
ACT_RUN_HURT Limp (loop)
ACT_RUN_SCARED Run displaying fear (loop)
ACT_SIGNAL2 Alternate signal
ACT_SIGNAL3 Alternate signal
ACT_SLEEP Sleep (loop)
ACT_SMALL_FLINCH Small reaction to non-specific hit
ACT_SNIFF This is the act of actually sniffing an item in front of the monster
ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1 Monster specific special attack
ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2 Monster specific special attack
ACT_STAND The act of standing from a crouched position
ACT_STRAFE_LEFT Sidestep left while maintaining facing (loop)
ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT Sidestep right while maintaining facing (loop)
ACT_SWIM Swim (loop)
ACT_THREAT_DISPLAY Without attacking monster demonstrates that it is angry
ACT_TURN_LEFT Turn in place quickly left
ACT_TURN_RIGHT Turn in place quickly right
ACT_USE Use item
ACT_VICTORY_DANCE. Victory display after killing player
ACT_WALK Walk (loop)
ACT_WALK_HURT Limp or wounded walk (loop)
ACT_WALK_SCARED Walk with fear display (loop)
Scripted Sequence events Extra parameters
1000 Character dead at this point
1001 Sequence un-interruptible from this point
1002 Sequence interruptible from this point
1003 Fires a trigger in the map Trigger name
1004 Play .wav file .Wav file path
1005 Play sentence file Sentence file path
1006 Do not send character back to floor at end of script
1007 Go to this animation after script completes Animation sequence name
1008 Play named .wav file through voice channel .Wav file path
1009 Play random sentence group (25 % chance)
1010 Character is alive at this point
Monster specific events
2001 Monster drops light body
2002 Monster drops heavy body
2010 Monster plays swing or swish sound
2020 Monster has turned 180
Clientside events for viewmodels
5001 Muzzleflash on attachment 0 Muzzle flash sprite path
5002 Spark on attachment
5004 Emit a sound Wav file path
5011 Muzzleflash on attachment 1 Muzzle flash sprite path
5021 Muzzleflash on attachment 2 Muzzle flash sprite path
5031 Muzzleflash on attachment 3 Muzzle flash sprite path
6001 Eject a brass shell from attachment
格式:event <#> <frame>
$sequence "gutshot" "gutshot" fps 30 ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT 1 { event 2001 1 }
试不出event 2001 有什么效果,而且也不明白light body和heavy body的区别。。。