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Bashiok: Quote: 我们正在制作暗黑破坏神2更新版本1.13,并且我们希望听取暗黑社区的重要意见。为此,我们希望能看到你们心中期望的这次更新。但我们对此次更新会很严谨而不是处处开花。 如果你预看了暗黑破坏神2的更新本版1.13日志,那么哪一条是你希望看到的? 我们的目标是满足所有社区成员最关心那些要求。我们希望得到尽可能多的提议已扩大我们的选取面,所以如果你有朋友经常玩暗黑破坏神2或者不经常上论坛的,请告知他们让我们做出他们心中的“最佳更新”。 过不要注意了,我们不可能对所以提及的要求都做出更改,但还是希望您的要求会被我们采纳并且我们会尽力做好它。
原文: Bashiok:Quote: We’re in the process of working on Diablo II content patch 1.13, and we want to try to include the Diablo community’s most important changes in our production schedule. To achieve this we’re asking for your input on what you’d like to see in this patch. However, we’re making it a bit stricter than a full-blown wish list.
If you were to get an advance look at the patch notes for Diablo II 1.13, what is the one patch note you would want to see?
Our goal is to get an overall sense of the single most important request from every member of the community. We want as many posts as we can get for the largest cross section, so if you have friends who used to play Diablo II or just don’t frequent the forums as much as you do, let them know this is here so we can get their “#1 patch note” too.
Please be mindful that we’re not going to be able to make every change mentioned, but hopefully with your feedback we can prioritize and do our best to cover as much as possible.
This thread is locked on purpose. To participate in this feedback collection please visit the main thread here –