林肯公园 What I've done  经典

猴岛论坛影音天地林肯公园 What I've done  经典
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林肯公园 What I've done  经典



等级: 上尉

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-09-23 0
— 本帖被 Mr.夜神月 执行锁定操作(2010-09-23) —

点击在新窗播放In this farewell
There is no blood
There is no alibi
Cause I’ve drawn regret,
From the truth
Of a thousands lies
So let mercy come and wash away
What I’ve Done
I’ll face myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done…
Put to rest
What you thought of me
While I clean this slate
With the hands
Of uncertainty
So let mercy come
And wash away
What I’ve Done
I’ll face myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done.....
For what I’ve done I start again And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I’m forgiving what I’ve done
I’ll face myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done
What i've Done(Na,Na,Na)
Forgiving what I’ve done…(Na,Na,Na)请版主加精····
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