一年被分成四个季节 Year was divided into four seasons
全班被分成六个小组Class is divided into six groups
你是个谦虚的人 但有时你太杞人忧天了You are a humble person, but sometimes you are too alarmist a
你不能原谅别人的错误这是愚蠢的行为You can not forgive the mistakes of others it is folly
我们班长很有耐心 从不轻易放弃We are very patient and never give up easily monitor
很抱歉我不得不放弃这次旅行I'm sorry I had to give up the trip
昨天 他为母亲买了一条漂亮的围巾Yesterday, he was his mother bought a beautiful scarf
你应该重视细节You should pay attention to details