Sheryl Crow新单 - Summer Day

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Sheryl Crow新单 - Summer Day



等级: 元帅

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2010-11-09 0

Sheryl Crow是上个世纪90年代以来最受欢迎的摇滚乐女歌手之一,她的音乐风格在美国传统摇滚乐基础上,还融合了其他风格,形成了自己特有的一种另类色彩时尚又非常受欢迎的音乐风格。而Sheryl Crow音乐中的旋律以及她在创作中的表现手法也都在美国流行和摇滚音乐界独树一帜。Sheryl Crow的音乐赢得了歌迷群体在十年来的稳定而不间断的支持,她不仅只是商业上的成功歌星,而且她还是格莱美奖的常客,同时她的唱片拥有着数以千万的销量,这也奠定了她在整个90年代女性流行和摇滚音乐中的统治性地位,而她在女性摇滚音乐中的这种地位即便是在进入了新世纪,Sheryl Crow的年龄渐渐增大之后依然没有丝毫的褪色。 迄今为止,Sheryl Crow个人一共获得过九次格莱美奖。1994年度第37届格莱美颁奖典礼上,Sheryl Crow凭借首张专辑《Tuesday Night Music Club》和单曲的出色表现All I Wanna Do,一举获得了最佳新人(Best New Artist),最佳流行女歌手(Best Female Pop Vocal Performance)和年度最佳唱片三项大奖(Record Of The Year)。1996年,Sheryl Crow自己创作,制作并演唱的第二张专辑《Sheryl Crow》以及其中的单曲If It Makes You Happy在第39届格莱美奖中为她赢得了第一座最佳摇滚女歌手(Best Female Rock Vocal Performance)的奖杯,并且还夺得了最佳摇滚专辑奖(Best Rock Album)。1998年,Sheryl Crow的第三张专辑《The Globe Sessions》再次在第41届格莱美颁奖上成为了最佳摇滚专辑的得主,同时她的工程技术人员还获得了年度非古典类最佳工程专辑奖(Best Engineered Album - Non-Classical)。1999年,Sheryl Crow为电影《Big Daddy》翻唱木仓炮与玫瑰乐队的经典名曲Sweet Child o' Mine在第42届格莱美颁奖中第二次获得了最佳摇滚女歌手的奖杯。2000年,商业上失败了的现场专辑《Sheryl Crow and Friends: Live in Central Park》中的单曲《There Goes The Neighborhood》令Sheryl Crow在第43届格莱美颁奖中第三次获得了最佳摇滚女歌手奖。在2003年年初举行的第45届格莱美颁奖中,Sheryl Crow凭借专辑《C'mon C'mon》中的单曲Steve McQueen四度问鼎了最佳摇滚女歌手奖。事业辉煌的Sheryl Crow显然不会停下夺奖的脚步,以后她的夺奖记录肯定还将不断的增添.

Every little thing that I felt that day
Never will forget, there was love in the air
I wasn't looking for love to come my way
Ooh baby baby but then I saw you there

That Summer day that I recall
You came into my life
And you gave me hope and love
I just want to be where you want me to
That Summer day that changed it all
You came into my life
And you let me fall in love
My baby I just want to be with you

I just want to let it shine
I just want to let it shine
I just want to let it shine

Did you ever think you knew everything?
Did you ever think you had it all figured out?
Ooh baby baby
You know things can change
But someone (?)

That Summer day that I recall
You came into my life
And you gave me hope and love
Sheryl Crow Summer Day lyrics found on
I just want to be where you want me to
That Summer day that changed it all
You came into my life
And you let me fall in love
My baby I just want to be with you

Can you hear me, baby?
When I say I'm for you
I knew we could make it
The moment you came into my life
Don't you know that you keep me (?)

That Summer day that I recall
You came into my life
And you gave me hope and love
I just want to be where you want me to
That Summer day that changed it all
You came into my life
And you let me fall in love
My baby I just want to be with you

And I'm gonna let it shine
Yeah, I'm gonna let it shine
Yes, I'm gonna let it shine

I just want to let it shine
I just want to let it shine

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等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2010-11-09 0
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