- 注册时间 2010-07-26
- 最后登录 2013-11-05
- 发帖2064
- 在线362小时
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- DB41
- 威望2007
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◆◇ - 小 三 不 仅 仅 是 女 r3n 。丶
适用机型:SonyEricsson C702, C902, C905, G705, K770, K800, K800i, K810, K810i, K850i, K888, P3, P990i, S500i, S700, S700c, T650, T650i, T921i, W31S, W595, W595c, W705, W760c, W760i, W880, W900, W900C, W902, W908, W910, W910i, W980, W980i, Z750,... [查找适合您手机下载的游戏]注意:以上只为最适用机型,建议都下载回来往手机上运行一下,往往都有特别的惊喜哦!因为JAVA的游戏是都能用在支持JAVA的手机上的![手机游戏常见问题解答]简介:The arcade classic hits mobile for the first time! Relive the furious fast-paced fun of arcade-style combat with this retro reproduction of the definitive Mortal Kombat game. Featuring up to 7 iconic MK acters, perform key combos and finishing moves in up to 5 authentic arenas, backed by original sound effects and fist-pumping music. Dual control settings plus 3 difficulty levels deliver awesome action for hardcore and casual gamers alike. The ultimate in arcade kombat is back! 提示:分 辨 率:240×320 [帮助]游戏语言:英文 游戏类型:动作类/单机游戏 文件大小:564 KB 上线时间:2010-11-30 8:32:50 最后更新:2010-11-30 8:32:50 游戏人气: 今28/总270 资费类型:完全免费 测试情况:通过模拟器测试游戏编号:71589 [说明]游戏提供:EA 手机访问下载地址:http://wap.sjxyx.com/youxi9/71589.asp ↓“终极真人快打3(Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3)”手机游戏截图↓ ![终极真人快打3(Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3)](https://px.lanyin.net/image/http://down.sjxyx.com/images/sjxyx10/16/683384436849_2.gif?imgsec=m1VCF_XPTSisGw614wZJgw&imgexp=1739556000) → 立即免费下载[JAR] ←(先下载到电脑, 勿改名,勿解压,通过 数据线或 蓝牙传输到手机) → 立即免费下载[JAD] ←(部分机型要使用到 JAD文件,请下载后配合JAR文件使用, 勿改名)