求一款。  Adobe ImageReady  

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       求一款。  Adobe ImageReady  



等级: 元帅

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-03-15 0
— (scorer) 已经解答,下载低版本的Photoshop (2011-03-15 09:18) —
几个月前我家电脑重装系统软件都用不了了,我在百度随便下载了一个Photoshop CS5。


这个软件里面附带了一个 Adobe ImageReady ,也就是做动画的软件,

该款Adobe ImageReady是版本比较新的一个版软件打开的欢迎画面是一



CS5同步的效果。  有一天我觉得ImageReady的功能Photoshop都有,所以就把ImageReady卸载


附带ImageReady的Photoshop CS5,下载了起码10多个PS,都是单独的Photoshop CS5。没有附带


百度里能找到的只有Adobe ImageReady CS2  这个CS2版本太低了,很多功能都不好用。

所以请大家帮忙找下欢迎画面是黄色的那款Adobe ImageReady 。找到后另有重谢。


[ 此贴被   男王そ在2011-03-15 00:08重新编辑 ]
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最佳答案: 12345 DB
最佳答案获得者: scorer

没有Adobe ImageReady CS3 就没有了圆角矩形选择工具

而这个工具 Photoshop CS3 又不带


CS2以上的版本窗口里面,把"动画"打开就是IR,保存的时侯,"存储为WEB格式"就行,ImageReady在photoshop CS3 以后就集成在Photoshop中,不再是单独的软件了,其功能可以直接在Ps中直接使用。如果要独立使用ImageReady,可以下载CS2之前版本的Photoshop。

ImageReady诞生时是一个独立的软件,到Photoshop5.5时,Adobe公司将2.0版的ImageReady和Photoshop捆绑在一起,当photoshop更新到10.0时(也就是photoshop cs3版本),ImageReady从photoshop中消失了,photoshop cs3集成了ImageReady几乎所有的功能,因此ImageReady已经不必要了。更不用说现在的Adobe Photoshop CS5了,它的动画功能远远超过了ImageReady,在窗口中打开图层和动画面板,Photoshop CS5可以直接打开GIF动画进行编辑。

Adobe Photoshop CS5已经没有ImageReady了,除非你仍然安装以前的Photoshop版本,不然你是找不到ImageReady的。

Easy Link this TechNotehttp://www.adobe.com/go/kb400899
Easy Links give you a simpler URL to reference in emails, as bookmarks… anywhere.

Adobe ImageReady CS2 feature location guide for Photoshop CS3

info Chad Baker
Adobe ImageReady CS2 feature location guide for Photoshop CS3 Adobe ImageReady has been discontinued. Most of its core features have been included in Adobe Photoshop CS3. This document is provided as a guide to help users locate ImageReady CS2 features that have been included in Photoshop CS3. In cases where a feature is not available in Photoshop CS3, the location of equivalent features in Adobe Fireworks CS3 is listed.
Location of Adobe ImageReady CS2 features in Adobe Photoshop CS3Slice tool/Slice Select tool
These tools are available on the Photoshop CS3 Toolbar.
Image Map tool
This feature is not available in Photoshop CS3. It is available in the Fireworks CS3 Toolbar as the Hotspot Tool.
Tab Rectangle tool/Pill Rectangle tool
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 through the Rounded Rectangle Shape tool. It is also available in Fireworks CS3 through the Rounded Rectangle tool in conjunction with the Auto Shape Properties panel.
Slice palette
Available in Photoshop CS3 in the Slice Options dialog box. To bring up Slice Options, do one or more of the following:
  • Double-click a slice with the Slice Tool selected.
  • Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS) a slice with the Slice tool selected and choose Edit Slice Options from the menu.
Optimize palette
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 in File > Save for Web & Devices.
Animation palette
Available in Photoshop CS3 as the Animation palette. The Animation palette in Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended has two modes: Frames and Timeline. Frames mode corresponds to the Animation palette in ImageReady.
Import > Folder as Frames
In Photoshop CS3, do the following steps:
  • Select File > Scripts > Load files into Stack.
  • In the Load Layers dialog box, select Folder from the Use menu. Browse to the folder that contains the images you want to include and click OK.
  • Select Make Frames from Layers in the Animation palette menu.
Export > Layers as Files
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 under File > Scripts > Export Layers to Files.
Web Content palette/Rollovers/Image Maps
This feature is not available in Photoshop CS3. It is available in both Fireworks CS3 and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. For more information, refer to the Fireworks CS3 Help chapter "Slices, Rollovers, and Hotspots." In Dreamweaver CS3, refer to the Help documents "Create a rollover image" and "Insert client-side image maps."
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 under Image > Variables.
HTML options in Output Settings
In Photoshop CS3, do the following steps:
  • Select File > Save For Web & Devices, then click Save.
  • In the Save Optimized As dialog box, select Other from the Settings menu.
  • In the Output Settings dialog box, select HTML from the menu.
Product versions affectedPhotoshop CS3
Last updated:2007-4-15



没绝版,网上还是可以下载到高版本的IR的,估计是个人分解出来的,我上次下载的Photoshop CS5里面就有高版本的ImageReady,被我一个不注意卸载了。

[ 此贴被scorer在2011-03-15 09:21重新编辑 ]


等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-03-15 0
热心助人奖励: (+1) DB


等级: 禁止发言
配偶: 点心

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2011-03-15 0

没有Adobe ImageReady CS3 就没有了圆角矩形选择工具

而这个工具 Photoshop CS3 又不带


CS2以上的版本窗口里面,把"动画"打开就是IR,保存的时侯,"存储为WEB格式"就行,ImageReady在photoshop CS3 以后就集成在Photoshop中,不再是单独的软件了,其功能可以直接在Ps中直接使用。如果要独立使用ImageReady,可以下载CS2之前版本的Photoshop。

ImageReady诞生时是一个独立的软件,到Photoshop5.5时,Adobe公司将2.0版的ImageReady和Photoshop捆绑在一起,当photoshop更新到10.0时(也就是photoshop cs3版本),ImageReady从photoshop中消失了,photoshop cs3集成了ImageReady几乎所有的功能,因此ImageReady已经不必要了。更不用说现在的Adobe Photoshop CS5了,它的动画功能远远超过了ImageReady,在窗口中打开图层和动画面板,Photoshop CS5可以直接打开GIF动画进行编辑。

Adobe Photoshop CS5已经没有ImageReady了,除非你仍然安装以前的Photoshop版本,不然你是找不到ImageReady的。

Easy Link this TechNotehttp://www.adobe.com/go/kb400899
Easy Links give you a simpler URL to reference in emails, as bookmarks… anywhere.

Adobe ImageReady CS2 feature location guide for Photoshop CS3

info Chad Baker
Adobe ImageReady CS2 feature location guide for Photoshop CS3 Adobe ImageReady has been discontinued. Most of its core features have been included in Adobe Photoshop CS3. This document is provided as a guide to help users locate ImageReady CS2 features that have been included in Photoshop CS3. In cases where a feature is not available in Photoshop CS3, the location of equivalent features in Adobe Fireworks CS3 is listed.
Location of Adobe ImageReady CS2 features in Adobe Photoshop CS3Slice tool/Slice Select tool
These tools are available on the Photoshop CS3 Toolbar.
Image Map tool
This feature is not available in Photoshop CS3. It is available in the Fireworks CS3 Toolbar as the Hotspot Tool.
Tab Rectangle tool/Pill Rectangle tool
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 through the Rounded Rectangle Shape tool. It is also available in Fireworks CS3 through the Rounded Rectangle tool in conjunction with the Auto Shape Properties panel.
Slice palette
Available in Photoshop CS3 in the Slice Options dialog box. To bring up Slice Options, do one or more of the following:
  • Double-click a slice with the Slice Tool selected.
  • Right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS) a slice with the Slice tool selected and choose Edit Slice Options from the menu.
Optimize palette
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 in File > Save for Web & Devices.
Animation palette
Available in Photoshop CS3 as the Animation palette. The Animation palette in Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended has two modes: Frames and Timeline. Frames mode corresponds to the Animation palette in ImageReady.
Import > Folder as Frames
In Photoshop CS3, do the following steps:
  • Select File > Scripts > Load files into Stack.
  • In the Load Layers dialog box, select Folder from the Use menu. Browse to the folder that contains the images you want to include and click OK.
  • Select Make Frames from Layers in the Animation palette menu.
Export > Layers as Files
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 under File > Scripts > Export Layers to Files.
Web Content palette/Rollovers/Image Maps
This feature is not available in Photoshop CS3. It is available in both Fireworks CS3 and Adobe Dreamweaver CS3. For more information, refer to the Fireworks CS3 Help chapter "Slices, Rollovers, and Hotspots." In Dreamweaver CS3, refer to the Help documents "Create a rollover image" and "Insert client-side image maps."
This functionality is available in Photoshop CS3 under Image > Variables.
HTML options in Output Settings
In Photoshop CS3, do the following steps:
  • Select File > Save For Web & Devices, then click Save.
  • In the Save Optimized As dialog box, select Other from the Settings menu.
  • In the Output Settings dialog box, select HTML from the menu.
Product versions affectedPhotoshop CS3
Last updated:2007-4-15



没绝版,网上还是可以下载到高版本的IR的,估计是个人分解出来的,我上次下载的Photoshop CS5里面就有高版本的ImageReady,被我一个不注意卸载了。

[ 此贴被scorer在2011-03-15 09:21重新编辑 ]
最佳答案奖励: (+12345) DB


等级: 禁止发言
配偶: 点心

举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2011-03-15 0

没绝版,网上还是可以下载到高版本的IR的,估计是个人分解出来的,我上次下载的Photoshop CS5里面就有高版本的ImageReady,被我一个不注意卸载了。.......[/quote]




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