[color=#0000ff]又称世界接吻日([/color][color=#0000ff]International Kissing Day)[/color]
[color=#0000ff]二十年前得到联合国的批准。 [/color]
[color=#0000ff] 接吻的历史始于大约公元前3000年,古人们在膜拜众神时都要亲吻他们。古罗马时期,不仅与朋友和家庭成员接吻,还要与商人和路人接吻,以此表示对他们的欢迎。中世纪这种见面礼不仅要受到人际关系的约束,还要受到社会阶层的约束。社会地位越低,亲吻距离脸部就越远。对于与自己地位相等的人吻嘴唇,比自己地位高一等的人要吻手,再者则要吻其膝盖,对于自己在其面前微不足道的人(首先是指神职人员)要吻其脚背,甚至他脚边的土地。在意大利,男人一定要娶当众亲吻的姑娘为妻。[/color]
July the 6th is National Kissing Day in the United Kingdom. This holiday has recently been adopted worldwide making July the 6th the International Kissing Day or World Kiss Day.
The idea behind the International Kissing Day is that many people may have forgotten the simple pleasures associated with kissing for kissing's sake. Kissing can be an enjoyable experience in and of itself. It is an expression and experience of intimacy.
Not all the kisses are connected with sexual love. Kissing also signifies courtesy in every country of Europe and America.
Kissing on the back of the palm signifies respect.
Kissing on the forehead signifies friendship.
Kissing on the cheek signifies deep feeling.
Kissing on the lips signifies love.
Kissing on the eyelid signifies adoration.
Kissing on the palm signifies desire.
Kissing on the wrist or on the neck signifies desirous feeling.
Kissing on other part of the body signifies intense emotion.
1. Kissing boosts immunity. 接吻能够增强免疫力。
A recent study reported in the journal Medical Hypotheses says kissing may increase a woman’s immunity from Cytomegalovirus.
最近的《医学假设》期刊(the journal Medical Hypotheses)中的一项研究报告表明,接吻也许能够提高一个女人自身对抗巨细胞病毒的免疫能力。
2. Kissing helps you pick the best mate. 接吻可以帮助你选择最佳的伴侣。
Anthropologist Helen Fisher describes kissing as a “mate assessment tool.” Much of the cortex is devoted to picking up sensations from around the lips, cheeks, tongue and nose. Kissing is not just kissing. It is a profound advertisement of who you are, what you want and what you can give.
3. Kissing burns calories! 接吻能够燃烧卡路里!
Depending on different reports, anywhere from 2 to 6 calories a minute.
4. Kissing keeps facial muscles strong. 接吻能够保持面部肌肉强劲。
Researchers say you use 30 muscles while kissing and the smooching helps keep your cheeks tight. Nice. We’ll take what we can get.
5. Kissing naturally relaxes you. 亲吻式使你放松的最自然的方式。
Swapping spit is noted to increase dopamine, which aids in feelings of romantic attachment.
[s:298] 话说银家的初吻还保留着呢! 羞了个涩 哪里好心人要啊[s:295] [/color][/b]