会VB的 进来,翻译,有重赏

猴岛论坛电脑百科会VB的 进来,翻译,有重赏
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会VB的 进来,翻译,有重赏



等级: 列兵
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-07-31 0
'说明:在VB下运行会出现“DLL 的调用约定错误(错误 49)”



Option Explicit

Dim strFileName  As String

Dim lngFileCount As Long                '打包的文件总数
Dim strFileList() As String             '保存文件的名字路径 列表
Dim lngFileStartOffsetList() As Long    '保存文件起始偏移 列表
Dim lngFileOriginSizeList() As Long     '保存文件的原始大小 列表
Dim lngFileSizeList() As Long           '保存文件的大小 列表

Dim lngFileListPos As Long              '文件列表区的偏移地址
Dim lngFileListSize As Long             '文件列表区的大小

Dim strPkgDirName As String

Const pkgFileHead As Long = &H64        '文件头 64 00 00 00

Private Function ReadPkgFile(strFileName As String) As Long

    Dim lngTmp As Long          '4字节
    Dim intTmp As Integer       '2字节
    Dim bytFilePath() As Byte
    Dim i As Long
    i = 0
    Open strFileName For Binary As #1
    Get #1, , lngTmp                '1 - 4
    If lngTmp <> pkgFileHead Then Exit Function
    Get #1, , lngFileCount          '5 - 8
    ReDim strFileList(lngFileCount - 1)
    ReDim lngFileStartOffsetList(lngFileCount - 1)
    ReDim lngFileSizeList(lngFileCount - 1)
    ReDim lngFileOriginSizeList(lngFileCount - 1)
    Get #1, , lngFileListPos        '9 - 12
    Get #1, , lngFileListSize       '13 - 16
    Seek #1, lngFileListPos + 1
    Do Until EOF(1)
        Get #1, , intTmp        '后面的文件路径名称的长度
        ReDim bytFilePath(intTmp - 1)
        Get #1, , bytFilePath   '文件路径名称
        strFileList(i) = StrConv(bytFilePath(), vbUnicode)
        Get #1, , lngTmp        '00 00 00 00,大概是起分隔作用吧
        If lngTmp = 0 Then
        End If
        Get #1, , lngTmp        '文件起始偏移地址
        lngFileStartOffsetList(i) = lngTmp
        Get #1, , lngTmp        '原始文件大小
        lngFileOriginSizeList(i) = lngTmp
        Get #1, , lngTmp        '文件结束偏移地址
        lngFileSizeList(i) = lngTmp
        i = i + 1
        If Seek(1) >= lngFileListPos + lngFileListSize Then         '偏移+ 1,大小 -1 ,正好抵消
            Exit Do
        End If
    Close #1
    ReadPkgFile = i

End Function

Private Function GetSingleFileData(ByVal No As Long) As Byte()
    Dim bytFileData() As Byte
    Dim lngFileSize As Long
    ReDim bytFileData(lngFileSizeList(No) - 1)
    Open strFileName For Binary As #1
    Seek #1, lngFileStartOffsetList(No) + 1
    Get #1, , bytFileData
    Close #1
    GetSingleFileData = bytFileData

End Function

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    Unload Me

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOpen_Click()
    Dim i As Long
    Dim lngFileCount As Long        '打包的文件个数

    CD.Filter = "Q文件(*.0.0)|*.0.0"
    If CD.FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
    strFileName = CD.FileName
    lngFileCount = ReadPkgFile(strFileName)
    For i = 0 To (lngFileCount - 1)
        List1.AddItem strFileList(i)

End Sub

Private Function FileExist(ByRef inFile As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    FileExist = CBool(FileLen(inFile) + 1)
End Function

Private Function FileToBuf(ByRef inFile As String, ByRef outBuf() As Byte) As Long

    Dim FNum As Integer
    Dim RetBuf() As Byte

    If (Not FileExist(inFile)) Then Exit Function
    FNum = FreeFile()
    Open inFile For Binary Access Read Lock Write As #FNum
    ReDim RetBuf(0 To (LOF(FNum) - 1)) As Byte
    Get #FNum, , RetBuf()
    Close #FNum

    outBuf = RetBuf
    FileToBuf = UBound(RetBuf) + 1
End Function

Private Sub SaveFile(ByRef bytData() As Byte, strFile As String)
    Open strFile For Binary Access Write As #1
    Put #1, , bytData()
    Close #1
End Sub

Private Sub Log(strText As String)
    Open App.Path & "\log.txt" For Append As #1
    Print #1, strText
    Close #1
End Sub

Private Function CompressBytes(ByRef Bytes() As Byte, ByRef outBuf() As Byte) As Boolean
'压缩 二进制文件的字节数组 到 输出字节数组

    Dim CompressBuf() As Byte
    Dim CompressLen As Long
    Dim RetVal As Long
    CompressLen = compressBound(UBound(Bytes) + 1)
    ReDim CompressBuf(0 To (CompressLen - 1)) As Byte
    RetVal = compress(CompressBuf(0), CompressLen, Bytes(0), UBound(Bytes) + 1)
    If (RetVal = Z_OK) Then
        ReDim Preserve CompressBuf(0 To (CompressLen - 1))      '把多余的字节去掉
        outBuf = CompressBuf
        CompressBytes = True
        CompressBytes = False
    End If


End Function

Private Function UnCompressBytes(ByRef Bytes() As Byte, ByRef OriginalSize As Long) As Byte()
'解压 压缩文件的字节数组 到 输出字节数组

    Dim DecompressBuf() As Byte
    Dim DecompressLen As Long
    Dim RetVal As Long
    DecompressLen = OriginalSize
    ReDim DecompressBuf(0 To (DecompressLen - 1)) As Byte       '注意这里分配缓冲区一定要足够大
    RetVal = uncompress(DecompressBuf(0), DecompressLen, Bytes(0), UBound(Bytes) + 1)
'    MsgBox RetVal
    UnCompressBytes = DecompressBuf

End Function

Private Sub cmdSaveOriginFile_Click()
    Dim i As Long
    strPkgDirName = Trim$(txtPkgDirName.Text)
    If Dir$(App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
        MkDir App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName
    End If
    ' 如果一个文件项被选中,那么将它保存到文件。
    For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
        If List1.Selected(i) Then
            Call MakeDirectory(App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName & "\", GetPath(strFileList(i)))
            Call SaveFile(GetSingleFileData(i), App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName & "\" & strFileList(i))

        End If
    Next i
    MsgBox "保存文件成功!", vbInformation

End Sub

Private Sub cmdSaveUnComFile_Click()

    Dim i As Long
    Dim bytData() As Byte
    Dim bytUnComData() As Byte
    Dim Ret As Boolean
    Dim strMsg As String
    strPkgDirName = Trim$(txtPkgDirName.Text)
    If Dir$(App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
        MkDir App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName
    End If
    ' 如果一个文件项被选中,那么将它保存到文件。
    For i = 0 To List1.ListCount - 1
        If List1.Selected(i) Then
            Call MakeDirectory(App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName & "\", GetPath(strFileList(i)))
            bytData = GetSingleFileData(i)
            Dim DecompressBuf() As Byte
            Dim DecompressLen As Long
            Dim RetVal As Long
            DecompressLen = lngFileOriginSizeList(i)
            ReDim DecompressBuf(0 To (DecompressLen - 1)) As Byte       '注意这里分配缓冲区一定要足够大
            RetVal = uncompress(DecompressBuf(0), DecompressLen, bytData(0), UBound(bytData) + 1)
            Call SaveFile(DecompressBuf(), App.Path & "\" & strPkgDirName & "\" & strFileList(i))
        End If
    MsgBox "保存解出的文件成功!", vbInformation

End Sub

Private Sub List1_Click()

    lblCount.Caption = CStr(List1.ListIndex + 1) & "/" & List1.ListCount
    txtStartOffset.Text = Hex$(lngFileStartOffsetList(List1.ListIndex))
    txtEndOffset.Text = Hex$(lngFileSizeList(List1.ListIndex))
    txtOriginSize.Text = Hex$(lngFileOriginSizeList(List1.ListIndex))
End Sub

Private Function GetPath(strFilePath As String) As String
    Dim intPos As Integer
    intPos = InStrRev(strFilePath, "\")
    GetPath = Mid$(strFilePath, 1, intPos - 1)
End Function

Private Sub MakeDirectory(strMainDir As String, strDirPath As String)
'strMainDir - 完整目录名后面带有\符号,在这个目录下检查strDirPath的文件夹是否存在
'strDirPath - 目录路径名,后面不带有\符号

    Dim strPart() As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim strDir As String
    strPart = Split(strDirPath, "\")
    For i = 0 To UBound(strPart)
        strDir = strDir & strPart(i) & "\"
        If Dir$(strMainDir & strDir, vbDirectory) = "" Then
            MkDir strMainDir & strDir
        End If
End Sub

谁能全部翻译出来我,留下你的QQ   赏300大洋


等级: 上校
举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-07-31 0


等级: 元老
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-07-31 0


等级: 新兵
举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2011-08-01 0
独立网店(qgcr.netqgcr.net) 兼营中国移动/中国电信/中国联通/Q币/各种游戏点卡!



等级: 上将
︶︶ ̄  没人牵手我就揣兜里ゝ

举报 只看该作者 4楼  发表于: 2011-08-01 0
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