功能 免费下载iap,不是100%,但是大多数都行
First note this is a beta app and im looking for testers. it cracks easy dlc/inapp purchases.as long as the game/app doesnt check the purchase with a server. it uses mobilesubstrate for this: buy something inapp like normal and youll get it free!
it wont ask for an itunes login when you make a purchase. if it does try to confirm a purchase then its NOT WORKING and WILL COST YOU MONEY.
it wont work with every app but alot should. post here if it works for you
老外报告的,已测试支持的有 Angry Birds, iStunt 2, Drawrace 2 Wordfeud angry zombies 2 navigon and softphone
要下早下,再晚就会被挪到xsellize的付费vip repo了
我自己实测 怒鸟神鹰和tile for live的炮塔 ,camera+的analog FX包, Demon Cam新出的四个鬼头... 购买成功 但是sentinel 3的iap一买就崩溃,估计不支持
com.urus.iap_0.3-1_iphoneos-arm.zip[点击下载](11 K) 下载次数:312 累计下载获得 DB 300 刀