输入"SPRITEDUNK1” - 解锁 扣篮大赛模式的 "Orange Split" (胯下扣篮)
输入"SPRITEDUNK2” - 解锁 扣篮大赛模式的 "Spin Tommy" (360°扣篮挂框)
输入"SPRITEDUNK3” - 解锁 扣篮大赛模式的 "The Villain" (360°大风车)
解锁码 解锁内容 中文对照
icanbe23 Unlock MJ: Creating a Legend without completing the Jordan Challenge 快速进入乔丹生涯模式
2ksports Unlock the 2K Sports team 解锁2K体育队
2kchina Unlock the 2K China team 解锁2K中国队
payrespect Unlock the ABA Ball 解锁ABA球
vcteam Unlock the VC team 解锁VC队(2K视觉工作室)
ronoilnm Unlock alternate jerseys for the Orlando Magic, Minnesota Timberwolves and New Orleans Hornets. Please note that this code does not work with the PC version of the game. (PC不可用) 解锁魔术,森林狼,黄蜂队第三套球衣
wydololoh Unlock the 2011 East and West All-Star jerseys. 解锁全明星球衣
SPRITEDUNK1 Unlocks the "Orange Split" dunk in the Dunk Showdown mode. 解锁扣篮大赛模式胯下扣篮
SPRITEDUNK2 Unlocks the "Spin Tommy" dunk in the Dunk Showdown mode. 解锁扣篮大赛模式360°扣篮挂框
SPRITEDUNK3 Unlocks the "The Villain" dunk in the Dunk Showdown mode. 解锁扣篮大赛模式360°大风车