【每日一曲】11.25号推荐歌曲 You and me unkown 【放飞心情 插上音乐的翅膀自由翱翔】

猴岛论坛影音天地【每日一曲】11.25号推荐歌曲 You and me unkown 【放飞心情 插上音乐的翅膀自由翱翔】
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【每日一曲】11.25号推荐歌曲 You and me unkown 【放飞心情 插上音乐的翅膀自由翱翔】



等级: 大校
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2011-11-24 0

Yeah Check it out it's right here
it's dedicated to the special girl it's only you and me gilr
Yeah other people dash i will be back
When i wake up all i can is to feel you
when i close my eyes all i see is you
As a lay on my bed hope u can
just let u know i was low be here
On the very Wednesday as
Then u first stand in front of me
As My body frowns but it did't frown down
cause Baby for your love
Didn't i take it around
Kiss you i i ~i k never say goodbye to the nigt
the night to be home
i was just so slow Thinking about you
Hoping u can take about me as night did
I was feeling so good never that good kiddind this in a life time
hoping u can be mine and form a team baby
La la la la la la la you qizee~La la la la la la la
It only u and me girl check it out
Duo duo u qiezee guomei
When the first time that i met u girl
u were so cute i know what to do
what should i do to get down with u
Love is so true when i found it pull
All the thing i can do is to think of you
i can be the one if u want me to
Can u be mine till the end of time
I can see it round till u want to be mine
in my heart its only u and me
hoping u would be the one
be the one to mine and form a team
for i don't know what to do
all i want to do is to love u too
zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee guduomqixi
It only u and me girl check it out
zuo duo me xiduoxi U qizee cuoduomeiqilei
La la la la la la la la la la la la~ la la la la la la la~~
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +12
DB+12 2011-11-24




等级: 贵宾
♫≮音乐无极限≯        ♫≮有你更精彩≯

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2011-11-24 0


等级: 中尉
举报 只看该作者 板凳   发表于: 2011-11-25 0


等级: 上将

举报 只看该作者 地板   发表于: 2011-11-25 0
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