it's better if we don't speak at all at all
it's better if we don't speak at all at all at all
now deep down inside
you know it cuts like a knife
but i m too proud to show it
pain in my chest (it feels)
like i lost my breath
but she just doesn't know it
so many things that i'm dying to say
but i can't seem to tell her
it's killing me to know that she wants to leave
but i'm not gonna beg her to stay (no)
cause i got my pride i'm not gonna cry
there won't be no tears falling from these eyes
don't need her to see
that it's killing me
so this is what i'm saying
you don't have to worry about me
girl i'll be fine
you don't have to call me again
girl it's alright
you don't have to ask me if i will be okay
girl i'll be fine
girl i'll be fine
you aint got to tell me that we can still be friends
you aint gotta make no excuses and pretend
cause i'll be fine said i'll be fine
there's no need to call
it's better if we don't speak at all at all
it's better if we don't speak at all at all at all
i can't believe that i fell so deep
and i let my heart so open
now i gotta try to keep it inside
these words are better left unspoken
cause i still got my pride i'm not gonna cry
there won' be no tears fallling from these eyes
don't need her to see
that it's killing me
so this is what i'm saying
you don't have to worry about me
girl i'll be fine
you don't have to call me again
girl it's alright
you don't have to ask me if i'll be okay
girl i'll be fine
girl i'll be fine
you aint got to tell me the we can still be friends
you aint gotta make no excuses and pretend
cause i'll be fine said i'll be fine
there's no need to call
it's better if we don't speak at all at all
it's better if we don't speak at all at all at all
girl i'll be fine (said i'll be fine)
there's no need to call
it's better if we don't speak at all
外文名: Stevie Hoang
国籍: 英国
民族: 汉
出生地: 英国伯明翰
出生日期: 1985年6月9日
职业: 作曲/歌手/制作人
代表作品: Summer Love,All Around the World ,All I Have Is Love
祖籍: 中国
英籍华裔Stevie Hoang1985年6月9日出生于英国伯明翰,一岁时便与父母一起移居到伦敦,现居英国伦敦东部,身兼作曲/歌手/制作人三职。他11岁即跟从父母学习钢琴,自幼就展露出众的音乐天赋。他在大学一直主修音乐,为以后的音乐之路打上坚实基础。之后一直为英国的一线歌手写歌,才华逐渐被人们所赏识。 Stevie Hoang祖籍中国,会说广东话。他的音乐细腻温婉,柔美动听,亚裔血统的背景让他的音乐拥有东方人特有的细腻,而自幼西化的成长环境,也让他的R&B更加国际化。在日本被称为“R&B界の口コミ王子”,所谓“口コミ”就是“街谈巷议,口头流传,有口碑的”的意思,因为他最初的身份是独立音乐制作人,发布歌曲都是通过My Space和Youtube,可以解释为中国所说的“网络歌手”。 目前Stevie Hoang仍然以独立歌手的身份发片,专辑里里外外均由他一手包办,由于其出众的才华,无比养耳的音乐,还有俊朗的外表,让这位不算新人的新人拥有了大批死忠粉丝。