美服下一补丁将推出最新的英雄。半人马-战争魅影 Hecarim。以下是官方新闻:
We here at Riot Games make every effort to ensure that our stable of champions is as diverse as possible. Still, even after the addition of Sejuani to the League of Legends, there are those cavalry enthusiasts out there who would contend that the greatest warriors ride horses. For you purists, we'd like to propose an alternative point of view. It is our opinion that the most epic warriors are themselves at least 50% equine. And as evidence of this theory it is our pleasure to present Hecarim, the Shadow of War.
Riot Games竭尽全力确保我们的英雄尽可能多种多样。尽管如此,甚至猪女瑟庄妮加入英雄联盟,那些骑兵爱好者站出来争辩说最伟大的战士是骑马的。因为你们是纯粹主义者,故此我们乐意提出另外一个观点,最伟大的战士是半人马(原文的意思可能是这个最伟大的战神本身起码50%是马。。。)。据此,我们荣幸的推出新英雄 Hecarim,战争之影。
So if you enjoy leveling your lance and charging headlong into the brunt of the enemy ranks leaving only the trampled corpses of lesser foes in your wake, we're pretty sure that Hecarim, the Shadow of War will have you chomping at the bit come next patch!