超逼真桌球游戏『International Snooker 2012—国际斯诺克锦标赛』喜欢斯诺克的朋友不可错过!!

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超逼真桌球游戏『International Snooker 2012—国际斯诺克锦标赛』喜欢斯诺克的朋友不可错过!!



等级: 元老

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2012-09-05 0

International Snooker returns bigger, better and burstingwith features taking all cue gaming to new heights.

Already a smash hiton iPhone and iPad 2012 edition brings more features, enhanced audio and visualsand hundreds of hours of gameplay:

• A new Career Mode places you in afull ‘rolling’ year on year professional snooker career, playing 15 tournamentsin 14 locations around the world competing to be world number 1.

•Global internet Multiplayer Mode gives you the opportunity to take on the bestthe world has to offer and earn your bragging rights for real.

• Fillyour trophy cabinet with 16 trophies from 7 major and 7 minor events, 1invitational event plus the coveted 147 trophy.

• Back spin, top spin andswerve the cue ball with simulation quality physics.

• Earn a 147 maximumbreak and entry to the exclusive 147 club.

• Use Career Mode winnings toupgrade equipment to increase power, swerve, spin and player kudos.

•Frame by frame replays with slow-mo and dynamic cameras including pocket camsand the new ‘follow the ball’ cam.

• Referee voiced by Michaela Tabb theworld’s favourite referee of snooker and pool competitions.

• Stats andAchievements with full Apple Game Centre integration.

• All new graphicsengine with an even greater level of detail and realism.



本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +20
DB+20 2012-09-06




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2012-09-06 0
英文版 ,有木有汉化的?英文版用着蛋疼无比
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