
“When we checked Mr. Munroe’s Facebook, we discovered an extensively crafted profile outlining him as being a member of the dissolved SEAL Team Six,” said Lieutenant Commander Charles Aimes. “It even came with a full set of pictures including one fast-roping out of a Blackhawk helicopter, which on closer observation was actually hi***iding down a playground fire pole in air soft garb with a Blackhawk photoshopped into the background. It would have had even me convinced except for that fact that I know that no real Navy SEAL is ****ing dumb enough to put this on Facebook.”
“甚至还有一套从黑鹰直升机上绳降的照片,如果你仔细看的话可以看出是他从WG场地的一根爬杆上往下滑,黑鹰直升机是被软件加到背景里的。要不是我很确定没有真的海豹队员会二到把这些放到FB上去的话连我都信了”——参与调查的海豹部队技术人员(少校),Charles Aimes
“These shit-brained keyboard commandos think it’s really cool and bad-ass to act like special operations forces,” said Chief John, “They don’t seem to be down with ****ing reality where terrorists are actively trying to carry out reprisals against us.”
“他们似乎傻到意识不到恐怖分子正在试图打击报复我们”——Chief John(参与营救任务的队员)
“It probably seemed like all fun and games for him in Call Of Duty,” said Team Commander Lieutenant Andy, “Though shit gets real pretty ****ing fast when some asshole goes to clamp a pair of booster cables to your junk… ”