张靓颖《One Women》献唱妇女节 全球25位巨星共同演绎震撼人心

猴岛论坛影音天地张靓颖《One Women》献唱妇女节 全球25位巨星共同演绎震撼人心
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张靓颖《One Women》献唱妇女节 全球25位巨星共同演绎震撼人心



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-03-08 0
— 本帖被 独行于世 执行加亮操作(2013-03-08) —


Official song of UN Women,来自20个国家的25位歌手为联合国妇女署倾情演绎首支公益歌曲《女人一家》。张靓颖作为中国歌手代表,与来自世界各国的25位知名歌手共同演绎了这首震撼人心的歌曲,呼吁世界倾听女性的声音,建立一个没有性别歧视的大家庭。

该歌曲由英国知名作曲家Graham Lyle(先后与迈克杰克逊和蒂娜特纳等流行歌手合作)和Fahan Hassan 联手创作。格莱美奖制作人Jerry Boys与歌词作者Beth Blatt在伦敦完成歌曲的后期制作

We are One Woman
You cry and I hear you.
We are one Woman
You hurt, and I hurt, too.
We are One Woman
Your hopes are mine
We shall shine.
In Juarez she speaks the truth,
She reaches out,
Then teaches other how to.
In Jaipur, she gives her name,
She lives without shame,
In Manila, Salta, Embu.
Though we’re different as can be,
We’re connected, she with me -
We are One Woman
Your courage keeps me strong.
We are One Woman
You sing, I sing along.
We are One Woman
Your dreams are mine
We shall shine
We shall shine -
And one man, he hears her voice.
And one man, he fights her fight.
Day by day, he lets go the old ways,
One woman at a time.
We are One Woman
Your victories lift us all.
We are One Woman
You rise and I stand tall.
We are One Woman
Our dreams are mine
We shall shine
Shine, shine, shine


音乐无极限 欢迎你


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保 持 快 乐 / 享 受 人 生

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-03-08 0
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