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魔法门之英雄无敌6》v1.8.1 升级档 [简体中文]
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需在已安装V1.7.1 升级档的基础下安装此升级档
1.7 → 1.8 BUG修正 - Bug fixes 战役 - Campaign/Scenarios
In the 1st Necropolis campaign map, the portal that leads to Jorgen looks available before defeating Salvatore. 在墓园战役第一张地图中,通往约根的传送门在击败萨瓦托瑞之前就可以使用 In the 4th Stronghold campaign map, at the beginning of the map, there is a revealed spot that has no interest for the user. 在据点战役第四张地图中,在地图开始时显示的地点中,有一处没有任何意义 Kiril has two swords in his hand during the reputation upgrade scene. 在声望升级界面里,基里尔手持两把武器 In the 4th Inferno campaign map, a black texture can be observed in the background when converting the town of Bel-Zeri. 在地狱战役第四张地图中,在转化了城镇Bel-Zeri后,背景上会出现一个黑色的斑块 In the 2nd Inferno campaign map, a glitch can be seen in the conversion cinematic, when converting towns to Inferno. 在地狱战役第二张地图中,当把城镇转化为地狱城镇时,转化动画会出现一些故障 In the 4th Haven campaign map, the hero is overlapped by the Inferno castle`s texture. 在圣堂战役第四张地图中,英雄会被地狱城堡的材质挡住 In the 2nd Haven campaign map, not all enemy creatures are shown in the encounter window, when attacking a fort found in the western part of the map. 在圣堂战役第二张地图中,当进攻地图西面的一个要塞时,并不是所有的敌人部队都显示在遭遇窗口中 In the 2nd Inferno campaign map, there is an unreachable pile of gold near in Necropolis fort, in the western part of the map. 在地狱战役第二张地图中,地图西面的一个墓园要塞旁,有一个无法到达的金矿 In the 4th Stronghold campaign map, the game crashed when the user selected the Creature recruitment tab in the town of Ur-Salos. 在据点战役第四张地图中,当玩家选择Ur-Salos城的生物招募界面时,会导致游戏崩溃 Fortune of Crag Hack map - Quest item present on Multiplayer map 哈克的宝藏地图所属的任务物品出现在多人地图中 In the 2nd Dance Macabre campaign map, the VFX of the “Staff of the Netherworld” is visible when the Hero is inside a ship. 在死亡之舞战役的第二张地图中,当英雄在船中的时候,仍然可以看见所持的冥府法杖的图像 In a tale of two Guardians map, no information provided in the Pyramid tooltip about the Dragon Pharaoh quest. 在两个守护者的传说地图中,金字塔所提供的龙法老的任务没有任何说明 In a tale of two Guardians map, the Lord Xeen`s army is triggered too early and it is too aggressive. 在两个守护者的传说地图中,希恩王的部队出现的太早且太强大 In Dance Macabre - The Mask of the Black Death campaign map, “Thunder Cup” quest item was found on the map. 在死亡之舞,黑死面具战役地图中,可以找到雷光杯地图所属的任务物品 A tale of two Guardians - Kalindra is an enemy AI present on the map and the user shouldn`t be able to recruit her from the Hall of heroes. 在两个守护者的传说地图中,卡琳德拉属于敌人的英雄,不应该出现在英雄大厅可招募的英雄中 Gold Edition Map - Lord Haart is an AI hero present on the map, the player shouldn`t be able to recruit him from the Hall of Heroes. 在黄金版地图中,罗德哈特属于敌人的英雄,不应该出现在英雄大厅可招募的英雄中 A princess of Varn - Primary Quest marker is not displayed on the in game map menu. 在瓦恩公主地图中,主任务标记没有出现在游戏地图中 4th Inferno campaign map - Wrong deployment area for creatures in combat map. 在地狱战役第四张地图中,战斗地图中部队的部署区域错误 Gold Edition Map - Lord Haart should have a higher level. 在黄金版地图中,罗德哈特的级别应该更高 Gold Edition Map - The quest markers for recapturing the Dwarf buildings do not disappear from the Kingdom overview map until reaching the next building. 在黄金版地图中,占领矮人建筑的任务标记没有在任务完成后消失,直到占领下个建筑为止 Tutorial - The stack of Vestals does not join the hero`s army. 在教学战役中,女神官没有加入玩家的部队 Prologue - “Get attuned to the Sword of Griffin” secondary quest cannot be completed without fighting each combat manually. 在序幕地图中,次要任务“适应狮鹫之剑”只有按照顺序依次完成战斗才能完成 The Fall of the House of Bull - The quest items “Dragon Eyes” are not removed from the hero inventory after completing the quest “The Gate”. 在公牛公国的沦陷地图中,当玩家完成任务“门”之后,任务物品“巨龙之眼”没有从玩家英雄的物品栏中移除
国器/特性/宠物 - Dynasty Weapons/Traits/Pets
Staff of Sandro - The description of the “Transfer Life” ability contains a placeholder value when it`s affecting a stack. 山德鲁之杖的技能“生命转换”的描述部分留出一个占位符,用来指示受到该技能影响的部队 The “Wrath of the Orcs” ability of the Malathua`s Cleaver dynasty weapon generates debug text in the event log. 玛剌刹的砍刀的技能“兽人之怒”会在事件记录里生成一个调试文档 The level 3 (Sephiel`s Voice) ability of the Heartending Song gives too little heal. 悲伤之歌的3级技能赛菲尔之声的治疗效果太弱 Alma is to small and it`s very hard to spot on the adventure map. Alma的模型太小,难以在冒险地图里定位 The level bar of a Dynasty Weapon shows a constant value. 国器的级别栏里显示固定数值 Same color is used for the progress bar and numeric values in the Dynasty Weapon`s upgrade bar. 国器升级栏的进度条和数值的颜色相同 The Dynasty Weapons equipped by a hero can`t be changed. 英雄装备的国器不能替换 The dynasty weapon cannot be used again if the “lock dynasty weapon” option was used. 当锁定国器选项打开时,玩家不能再使用国器
成就 - Achievements
The mana spent in manual combat is doubled in “Channeler” achievement`s counter. 手动战斗中使用的魔力会按照两倍的数值记录在“通灵者”成就中 Close and Personal - Using any other type of attack except melee will cause the combat not to be counted for the “Close and Personal” achievement. 近在咫尺:使用任何非近战攻击方式都会使得该场战斗不被记录在这项成就当中(原成就是不使用远程攻击) For Blood and Honor - Inconsistency between the name of the week in the achievement`s description and in-game. 血统与荣耀:成就说明里和游戏中关于勇气之周的名字不一致 The user gets the “Tears affinity” achievement, if another user makes the Tears upgrade before him. 如果有一个玩家先进行了泪系声望升级,其他玩家都会获得“泪之亲和”成就 “No Guts, No Glory” achievement is unlocked only if the Dragonwraith is defeated after another heal is performed when the creature`s HP bar is fully restored. “不入虎穴焉得虎子”这个成就只有在幽灵龙的生命条完全回满时再使用一次治疗,接着击败幽灵龙后才能获得 “Finesse” achievement is not unlocked after defeating Giovanni in the required time. “灵巧”这个成就只有在规定时间击败乔瓦尼后才能获得
英雄能力/兵种能力 - Abilities/Creatures abilites
In the abilities window the reset button had a 2nd line “(Aptitudes)”, this isn`t displayed anymore. 在技能窗口的重新分配按键下有一行“相性”,这一行不会再出现了 The concept of MIGHT affinity hero vs MAGIC affinity hero is not introduced clearly enough. 力量型英雄和魔法型英雄的区别的不够清楚 The might defense bonus received from Stone Skin spell is shown with a minus instead of a plus on friendly creatures. 『石头皮肤』给予的物理防御加成没有正确的显示为增加物理防御 The Lich`s “Life Drain” ability has a misleading value in its tooltip. 尸巫的技能『生命吸取』的数值显示错误 Abitity “Acolyte of Fortune” displays no description for ability in tooltip. Instead Title is displayed twice. 『命运门徒』的技能介绍里没有说明,而是将技能名重复显示两遍 “Natural Born Leader” ability displays no description for ability in tooltip. Instead Title is displayed twice. 『天生领袖』的技能介绍里没有说明,而是将技能名重复显示两遍 Using the Sun Crusader`s “Sun Steed” ability will cause an existent “Guardian Angel” effect to disappear from the unit. 使用烈日十字军的技能『太阳神驹』时,可能会导致其身上的『守护天使』效果被消除 The Centaur`s “Vigilant Scout” special attribute is not used when the enemy creature is at two or less squares away from the Centaur. 半人马的技能『警戒』,当敌人的部队离半人马只有两格或更近时无法发动 The description of the Arachne`s level 5 ability contains the value 0/. 阿拉克尼的5级技能的描述里显示数值为0 The Abilities that summon elementals will summon more creatures than stated in the spell book. 召唤元素技能召唤的元素个数比法术书里所显示的数目更多 Defender I ability - Inconsistency between tooltip and behavior. 『防御I』的说明和技能效果不一致 Assailant I - Inconsistency between tooltip and behavior. 『攻击I』的说明和技能效果不一致 The “Blizzard” ability last for 1 turn although in the description says that it lasts 2 turns. 『暴风雪』的实际效果只持续1轮,而说明上显示为2轮 Yume“Ice Armor” specialization is missing. 优米的『冰霜护甲』特性缺失 The Blazing Glory`s “Searing Light” ability will cause Blazing Glories to die and not be resurrected after the combat. 耀灵的技能『烧灼之光』可能会导致耀灵战死,并在战后没有复活 The number of Blazing Glory creatures that die from using the “Searing Light” ability is not shown on the combat map. 耀灵使用『烧灼之光』死亡的部队数量不会在战斗结束的界面中显示 Blazing Glories that die when using the “Searing Light” ability cannot be resurrected during combat. 耀灵使用『烧灼之光』战死的部队不会在战后复活 The Wanizame`s “Blood Frenzy” will cause 100% of the creature`s normal damage rather than the stated 30%. 鳄鲛的技能『血腥狂暴』会增加100%的伤害,而非像说明显示的30%伤害 No icon for the passive ability awarded by “Emerald Yumi Bow” in the Spellbook. 翡翠长弓的被动技能在法术书里的图标缺失 The bonus to the “Diplomat” ability awarded by the “Master Diplomat” specialization is too small to make a difference. 『外交大师』特性给『外交』技能提供的加成奖励太小 Light Magic ability value given in the tooltip during the duel for the Celestial armor is 0%. 决斗中,光系魔法技能给『天国护甲』提供的加成为0% Sanctuary Reputation ability level 1 for Might heroes is not displayed in the spell book. 瀛洲物理英雄的1级声望技能在法术书里的图标缺失 Debug text can be seen when attempting to use the Mizu-Kami`s “Spirit Bond” skill on a unit when it is already active on another creature stack. 当川灵的技能『心灵羁绊』已经作用于一个单位上时,再对另一个单位使用该技能会出现调试文档 No mana will be gained through the “Meditation” skill if the hero uses the spell when under 20% mana. 当英雄的法力低于20%时,使用『冥想』技能不会回复任何法力 The Siege Master II ability is functional in normal Duel maps. 『攻城大师II』在决斗时也有效 The description of the Dreamwalker`s “Sky and earth” special ability contains the value 0. 旅梦巫的技能『天地显灵』的说明里显示数值为0 The game crashes when the user places a creature stack one square behind the designated area, during the “Tactics” phase. 当玩家在『战术』阶段部署部队时,如果将其放置在特定区域后一个的位置上,可能会导致游戏崩溃 The game crashes when the user casts the “Terror” spell on the Idol of Storms structure. 当玩家对风暴之灵使用『恐惧』魔法时,可能会导致游戏崩溃 The player can use the “Sabotage Mine” and “Plunder Mine” on his mines. 玩家可以对自己的矿井使用『掠矿』和『毁矿』 No specialization present for Acamas in the Heroic Abilities page of the Ability tree. 阿卡玛斯的英雄技能页面里没有英雄特性 Vampires and Vampire Lords cannot be attacked when they have the “Out of Time” buff. 当吸血鬼和吸血伯爵获得『跳出时光』状态时,不能成为攻击目标 The “Blizzard” spell can`t be cast 2 times over the same area 『暴风雪』不能在同一区域持续2轮 “Pressed attack” ability has the same bonus for blood and tears reputation. 『压制打击』受到血系和泪系声望的加成相同 The Lich`s “Drain Life” ability doesn`t work if the stack that is attacked dies. 如果尸巫在使用技能『生命吸取』时将敌人部队消灭,则该技能无效
游戏文本 - Localization/Text fixes
Town dwellings now indicate the number of creature per week in their tooltip. 城镇兵营现在会显示其每周产量 In the 2nd Haven campaign map, inconsistency between voice and subtitles in Voices that appear after having defeated air elementals on the bridge. 在圣堂战役第2张地图里,战胜桥上的气元素后的对话和字幕不一致 During the 1st Prologue Mission, missing subtitles in video in Russian version. 在教学战役第1张地图里,缺少动画时的俄语字幕 During Prologue, missing translation in dialog window (text and sound). 在教学战役里,对话窗口的内容没有翻译 Missing tooltips for Kirin`s special ability. 麒麟的特殊技能没有说明栏 When an Artifact Set is equipped, the tooltip box is too small 当套装被装备上时,说明栏太小 In the Diving Attack`s tooltip there is no information about the special ability`s cooldown. 『俯冲打击』的说明栏里没有注明技能的冷却时间 In the final campaign map, Malassa`s Daughter`s monologue after having conquered the fort displays inconsistency between audio and subtitles. 在终章战役地图里,占领了要塞后出现的马拉萨之女的独白部分,对白和字幕不一致 Placeholders and not translated texts in Chinese version. 中文版中留出的占位符和未翻译文档 In the 3rd Inferno campaign map, line in dialogue when orcs attack displays inconsistency between voice and subtitles in both instances line are triggered. 在地狱战役第3张地图里,兽人进攻时出现的对话里,对白和字幕不一致 Wrong and missing speaker name in intermission sequences. 过场动画里说话者名称错误或缺失 Slightly inconsistency present at intermission sequence after defeating breeder queen. 击败巢魔女皇后的对话有少量不一致 In the 2nd Sanctuary campaign map, when Karloff arrives by boat in the fight screen appears Katsue instead of Karloff 在瀛洲战役第2张地图里,当卡洛夫乘船到达并进入战斗时,显示的英雄是Katsue而非卡洛夫 In the Final campaign map, inconsistency between voice and subtitles. 在终章战役地图里,对白和字幕不一致 In Necropolis` Hall of Heroes, some of heroes` name is not localized. 在墓园城的英雄大厅,有些英雄的名字没有翻译 No translation for “My Dynasty” in main menu. 主菜单的『我的王朝』一项没有翻译 “Hz” not localized in the video settings of the main menu. 主菜单的视觉设定里的『赫兹』没有翻译 Grammar issue present in a certain string of the My Dynasty tooltip. 在我的王朝选项里,有些部分有语法错误 The name “Duke Slava” is displayed non-localized in My Only Dynasty favorite Hero, My Dynasty Heroes and Hero Info screens. 斯拉瓦公爵的名字在我最喜欢的英雄,我的王朝英雄和英雄信息界面里没有翻译 My Dynasty Heroes - Information - “ScrollLabel” not localized in Russian version. 俄语版本中,我的王朝英雄——信息一项里的『滚动标签』没有翻译 My Dynasty Heroes - Dynasty Weapon - “Label” not localized in Russian version. 俄语版本中,我的王朝英雄——国器一项里的『标签』没有翻译 Debug string present in abilities titles for Prince S?awoj and Kiry? in the Polish version. 波兰语版本里,Prince S?awoj和Kiry?的技能名里包含调试串 Sveltana`s background story is not localized 斯维尔塔娜的背景故事没有翻译 Missing translations for “Sir Jaywoods” hero name. 贾伍兹爵士的名字没有翻译 Inconsistency between text and audio during the Intro cinematic. 介绍动画里的对白和字幕不一致 Duplicate string in tooltip for “Master of water” abilities. 『水系精通』能力的说明栏里有重复的内容 Title displayed twice and missing description for all hero specialization abilities. 所有英雄的特技的说明缺失,名称则重复显示两遍 Grammar agreement issue in duel type string. 决斗类型部分的语法错误 Debug text is generated in the event log when using the “Lightning Rod” ability of the Thunder Staff. 当使用雷鸟之杖的技能『闪电鞭挞』时,可能会生成一个调试文档 “Goldmine” is not localized in German version. 德语版本里的『金矿』没有翻译 The description of the “Power of the Lich” ability of the Staff of Sandro contains a placeholder value. 山德鲁之杖的技能『尸巫的力量』的说明里包含了一个占位符 Tears Path - Debug text as the description of the Spring Spirit`s Temple. 泪之道:涧灵神庙的说明里包含调试文档 Incorrect reference in the tooltip of the “No Retaliation” attribute of the Spirits during Inferno Campaign Boss Fight. 地狱战役的boss战中,『不受反击』技能的说明栏错误 The tool tips of the “View online profile” and “Compare achievements” buttons are not localized, if accessing them in game. 在游戏中,『查看在线账户』和『比较成就』按键没有翻译 In Duel Mode, the numbers below the stacks of units are too big and the lower part of them is cut-off. 在决斗模式中,单位下面的数字太大,以至于后几位被挡住了 The Taunt ability has debug text present in the tooltips. 『嘲讽』在工具栏显示调试文档 The tooltip for “Anathema” on Polish Localization states that the enemy suffers from “- 0%” Morale 波兰语版本的游戏中,『咒逐』技能显示为减少敌人0%的士气 Wrong description of the “Haste” talent in the Hero creation menu. 创建英雄菜单里,『加速』天赋的描述错误 Incorrect message received after being defeated by the AI. 当被电脑打败后,显示的信息错误 The names of the maps are not displayed on the client`s loading screen if the host has Korean SKU installed 如果主机装了韩语插件,那么载入界面里的地图名称将无法显示 The debug text “undefined” is displayed for the faction of the open slots in the game lobby. 在游戏大厅里,阵营选项里的空格显示为『未定义』 Missing text in the “Week of the Froth Snake” description 『水蛇之周』的说明文本缺失 Improper grammatical formulation in artifacts properties descriptions in Pirates of the Savage Sea campaign. 荒夷海盗战役里的神器属性说明部分有语法问题 In the Demo version, Priory tooltip does not use a plural for the creatures that it creates. 在演示里,工具栏里对于不使用复数形式描述生物(不确定?) The Stronghold “Advanced Town Portal” has no tooltip. 据点的『高级城镇时空门』没有工具栏 Incomplete text displayed for the “accept invite” button. 『接受邀请』选项的文本显示不完全 In Dance Macabre campaign, “Great Lich`s set” is not localized in game in Chinese version. 在中文版的死亡之舞战役里,『大尸巫套装』没有翻译 Warlords of XEEN - Missing translation of the names of the characters throughout the level. 席恩领主:关卡里的角色的名称没有翻译 Danse Macabre Campaign - Missing translation of several heroes` names. 死亡之舞战役:几个英雄的名称没有翻译 A Tale of Two Guardians/Warlords of XEEN - Missing text for the sacred building. 两个守护者的传奇/席恩领主:一些建筑的文本缺失 The Conquest of Enroth - Missing translation of the names of the characters throughout the level. 恩洛斯的征服者:一些角色的名称没有翻译 Unlocked level bonuses don`t appear as available in the tooltip description of an equipped Dynasty Weapon. 装备的国器所解锁的级别奖励没有在工具栏里显示 Missing translation in the Extra Content menu. 额外内容菜单没有翻译 The Conquest Of Enroth - The map name and its description are switched, the map is listed with its description. 恩洛斯的征服者:地图名称和描述错乱
其它 - Miscellaneous
In the “Rise to Power” multiplayer map, there is a wrong camera starting position for the players in slots three, five and six. 在多人地图『权力的觉醒』中,3号位,5号位和6号位玩家的初始镜头地点错误 During the 4th Necropolis campaign map, small freezes during the cinematic with Mother Namtaru played at the start of the map. 在墓园战役第4张地图里,地图开始时,娜姆塔茹蛛母的动画有少量停顿 The exchange rates are not the same before and after making a selection in the marketplace window. 当玩家在市场里做出选择后,市场上资源的价格会发生变化 There are two “ChaosMagic” in the magic book and one of their icons is missing in Chinese version. 中文版中,法术书里有两个『混乱魔法』,其中一个的图标缺失 Confusing words in the lower part of the My Dynasty – Hero Abilities description tooltip. 我的王朝里的英雄技能介绍部分用词混乱 Message “Your hero has been defeated by” appears twice in the events log. 事件记录里,『你的英雄已经被击败』出现了2次 Stone Skin Scroll - Missing description. 石头皮肤卷轴的介绍部分缺失 The chat window should not pup up on screen. 聊天窗口不应该出现在屏幕上 The text “Red Palm Tribe” is cut off in the Victory window of the 3rd Sanctuary campaign map. 瀛洲战役第3张地图的胜利界面里,『红掌部落』这段文字被截断了 In the 3rd Sanctuary campaign map, issue during the first dialogue cinematic. 在瀛洲战役第3张地图里,第一段对话动画有问题 In Duel Mode, the user`s avatar doesn`t change when AI`s turn is. 在决斗模式下,进入电脑的回合时仍然显示玩家的英雄 The areas explored by the AI`s secondary hero do not unfog. 电脑的副英雄探索的区域的战场迷雾没有揭开 The game crashed when the client joined a multiplayer session and entered the lobby. 当有新玩家加入多人房间时,可能导致游戏崩溃 In “Creek of Lost Souls” map, a rally flag, a neutral stack of creatures and other resources can be found under the ground texture and the hero cannot access them. 在『失落灵魂之河』地图里,有一些集合旗,中立部队和资源无法到达 The heroes` background stories can be modified when entering the game for the first time. 第一次进入游戏时,玩家可以修改英雄的背景故事 Wrong camera start spot on certain maps. 特定地图上的起始镜头位置错误点我下载