导演: Alvaro Mancori
类型: 喜剧 / 科幻 / 奇幻 / 冒险
制片国家/地区: 意大利
语言: 意大利语
上映日期: 1964-03-19
片长: 85 分钟 / USA: 81 分钟(DVD) / Argentina: 75 分钟
又名: Son of Hercules in the Land of Darkness / Hercules the Invincible
IMDb链接: tt0271489
Dan Vadis ... Ercole (Argolese)
Spela Rozin ... Telca
Carla Calò ... Ella, Queen of the Demulus (as Carrol Brown)
Ken Clark ... Kabol, Melissia's Father
John Simons ... Babar
Jannette Barton ... Etel
Ugo Sasso ... King Tedaeo, Telca's Father (as Hugo Arden)
Howard Ross ... Telca's Brother (as Red Ross)
Olga Solbelli ... The Oracle (as Sand Beauty)
Alberto Cevenini ... Capt. of the Guard (as Kirk Bert)
Rosemarie Lindt ... Slave Girl
Kriss Moss ... Guard
Jannette Le Roy ... Slave Girl
Sara Laurier ... Slave Girl
Christine Mathius ... Slave Girl
Argolese saves Telca, daughter of King Tedaeo, from a marauding lion. In gratitude the King offers Telca's hand in marriage to Argolese but only if the strongman can slay a dragon which has been laying waste to part of his kingdom. Argolese kills the monster but when he returns he finds that Tedaeo has been overthrown and imprisoned, along with Telca, by a warlike people known as "the Demulus" who rule from a city inside a mountain. Argolese infiltrates this city but is captured and sentenced by Queen Ella to be pulled apart by elephants. Argolese survives this ordeal and Ella suggests an alliance between them. Argolese remains true to Telca but then Ella is killed by the jealous Melissia who becomes the new queen of the Demulus. With the aid of a diminutive ally named Barbar, Argolese frees the followers of King Tedaeo and then releases a lava flow into the city. Both King Tedaeo and the usurper Queen Melissia die in the turmoil but Argolese, Telca, and others escape out of the ...
一开头就是老套的英雄救美的故事:一个怎么打也打不死的大力士Argolese从一头狮子口中救下 正在脱衣服洗澡的公主——Telca,为了和Telca在一起,大力士拿着夸张的镖木仓击杀了一条3层楼高的的
巨龙【你竟然称那玩意儿是龙???我真的雷到了!原来意大利人眼中的龙就是那样的 那分明就是··· 不剧透了,自己看】 轻松杀完龙,还故意喘口气··· 胜利返回后,不料公主被关起来了!
大力士于是又做出了只有他能做的事【专职】··· 轻松弄倒2米多粗的大树,在独木上与一头黑熊搏斗【那也叫搏斗?那分明是在嬉戏···】干翻20多名士兵 【有的士兵都没被打到就自己翻倒在地,由此可见大力士的气场不一般】 单挑两头亚洲大象 最后被火圈束缚 后来四名士兵若无其事地走进了火圈将其擒拿【大力士都没做到,他们是如何做到的?】 扳弯几厘米粗的铁柱,逃出监狱,只用一拳就打倒十几名追捕的士兵,撞开1米多厚的石门,顶断好几米长的石桥 这喜剧真是太搞笑了··· 用玩具假人,木马代替真人和白马来演掉下悬崖的情景【你问我是如何看出的?很简单,你看过哪个人掉下悬崖时,手脚在空中都不动,碰到崖壁时还能反弹一小段的?】岩浆用的是红色颜料做的··· 无聊的时候看看吧···