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点击在新窗播放Can we ever get rid of the whats and the ifs 我们能否摆脱掉种种如果和后果 That doubts that exist in our minds 疑惑仍在我们的脑海中挥散不去 In the silence I am tricked into thinking you’ll forget 在浓重的沉默中我自欺欺人的以为你会选择忘记 And I’ll be stranded like a man in a mine 以致于我像是立于深井之底般陷入了困境 The day between the soil and the sky 大地之上苍穹之下的白昼 An emptiness, a void, a heaviness, a sigh, 一种空虚感,乏力,沉重和悲怆将你我包围 But I know you will make through alive 但我知道你会克服这些痛苦坚持下来 Cause you never said goodbye 因为你从不会对我说再见
Like a city besieged, it was the loneliest thing 像是一座围城,是所有离群索居事物的归宿 Your silence held in cold delay 你无尽的沉默显得如此冰冷无情 And I felt faint of heart cause I was caught between 而我因被迫面对你的沉默而感到心生畏惧 The weight of everything I couldn’t say 这种压迫感无法说出口
The day between the soil and the sky 苍穹之下的白昼 An emptiness, a void, a heaviness, a sigh, 一种空虚感,乏力,沉重和悲怆将你我包围 But I know you will make through alive 但我知道你会克服这些痛苦坚持下来 Cause you never said goodbye 因为你绝不会对我说再见
I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know 我不知道 How to follow, to follow, to follow, 该如何追随你 Cause you and I know I can’t go, I can’t go 因为你我都知道——我不能离开 Between the gallows and the gates 在大门和绞刑架之间无从抉择 The day between the soil and the sky 大地之上苍穹之下的白昼 An emptiness, a void, a heaviness, a sigh, 一种空虚感,乏力,沉重和悲怆将我们包围 But I know you will make through alive 但我知道你会活下来 Cause you never said goodbye 因为你绝不会对我说永别