歌词:I wish you never thought out for saying this
I'll really feel about us
got me gaught when you're a cool cool mad boy
I need something new in my life
I'm gonna argue any more
I'm gonna change my mind this time
Think tired of the arguements, tired of your lies and selfishness
you said you love me but you always make me cry
I need someone who's gonna wanna treat me right(that's why I stay)
The more i give my heart, many times I did before
but my all into you, i loved you all conditionally
don't wanna analyse, no more lonely next to me, I need love, a new love
I wish you now you know how you really feels
when someone cared about you
Since separated,boy
If you're missin' me like crazy
I'm gonna get you another chance
Cuz I know you never change
I was tired to be in playin' now
That's the reason why i left you
you said you love me but you always make me cry(always make me cry)
I need someone who's gone wanna treat me right
The more i give your heart many times I did before
but my all into you, i loved you all condition don't wanna analys
e, No more lonely next to me, I need love, a new love
(x3)yeah~ a new love

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