In My City -- Priyanka Chopra & Will.I.Am

猴岛论坛影音天地In My City -- Priyanka Chopra & Will.I.Am
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In My City -- Priyanka Chopra & Will.I.Am



等级: 大将

举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-07-18 0

In My City -- Priyanka Chopra & Will.I.Am

I know you got your own town
I know you got your own ways
I know you got your own life
I'm just sayin' C'mon down to my place

C'mon make some new friends
And tell me what you drinkin'
I know there a place like home
But I know you gonna like it in my city

Everybody's welcome here
Everybody's welcome to my city
We ain't got no worries here
I know you gonna like it in my city
Know you gotta a friend in me
You ain't gonna wanna leave
You ain't never had a party
Till you come to party in my city

Will I Am
Drivin down to boulevard
Comin' out inside my car
No sittin' in the backyard
Lets go for a ride
Come on and ride with me
Baby just come with me to my community
Come on lets go lets hit the road
Turn up the radio let's radio

Priyanka Chopra
We do it all night long
We got everything you and me
Music plays all night long
I know you gonna like it in my city
Everybody's welcome here ho o
Everybody's welcome to my city
We got no worries here
I know you gonna like it in my city
You know you gotta a friend in me
You ain't gonna wanna leave
You ain't never had a party
Till you come to party in my city
When you're here city is yours

Will I Am
Let the music play
Dance tonight away
Everybody's in my city
C'mon here let's enjoy
Let the music play
Dance tonight away

Priyanka Chopra
C'mon here in my city
Everybody's welcome here
Everybody's welcome to my city
We got no worries here
I know you gonna like it in my city
You know you gotta a friend in me
You ain't gonna wanna leave
You ain't never had a party
Till you come to party in my city
When you're here city is yours

Priyanka Chopra1982年7月18日是印度的歌舞片演员。1982年生于贾坎德邦的贾姆谢德布尔(Jamshedpur);在2000年获选为印度小姐与全球世界小姐后,即活跃于印度影坛。曾参演多部宝莱坞电影,就商业片而言堪称成功,并且两度荣获:印度电影观众奖。

本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +16
DB+16 2013-07-18




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-07-18 0
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