Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne

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Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne



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举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-07-20 0
Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne

Rock N Roll - Avril Lavigne

Let them know that were still Rock n Roll
I dont care about my makeup
I like it better with my jeans all ripped up
Dont know how to keep my mouth shut
You say so what (what)
I don t care if Im misfit
I like it better than the hipster of all shit
I am the mother f-cking princess
You still love me
Some some how
Its a little different when
Im with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how it really goes
Some some way
Well be getting out of this
Time one day
Youre the only that I
Want with me
You know how the story goes
When its you and me
We dont need no one to tell us who to be
Well keep turning up the radio
Well its you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that were still rock n roll
Rock n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock n roll
Hey Hey Hey
Dont get a bad attitude dude
Im never going to cover up that tattoo
I might have a couple issues
You say me too (yeah)
Dont care about a reputation
Must be living in the wrong generation
This is your invitation
Lets get wasted
Some some how
Its a little different when
Im with you
You know what I really am
On the phone
You know how the story goes
When its you and me
We dont need no one to tell us who to be
Well keep turning up the radio
Well its you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that were still rock n roll
Rock n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock n roll
Hey Hey Hey
Rock n roll
When its you and me
We dont need no one to tell us who to be
Well keep turning up the radio
Well its you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know were still rock n roll
When its you and me
We dont need no one to tell us who to be
Well keep turning up the radio
Well its you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that were still rock n roll
Rock n roll
Hey hey hey
Rock n roll
Hey Hey Hey

Avril Lavigne是一名来自加拿大的著名唱作女歌手、朋克公主及演员,在全球多个国家享誉盛名,亦是21世纪以来全球销量最高的歌手之一。2002年以一首《Skater Boy》成名。其后的专辑《Let go》与《The Best Damn Thing》在数个国家的音乐排行榜上达到最前列。2006年入选《加拿大商业杂志》在好莱坞最有影响力的加拿大人(排行第17位)。2010年担任温哥华冬奥会闭幕式嘉宾,同年为迪士尼电影《爱丽丝梦游仙境》献唱主题曲《Alice》。Avril对音乐、时尚、个性以及性感的定义被年轻人所普遍接受和模仿,是乐坛的领军人物,其积极向上,充满乐观的精神一直被大家所支持的。2013年将发行第五张专辑,单曲《Here‘s To Never Growing Up》于4月9日发布,同年7月1日与当红摇滚乐团五分钱的主唱Chad Kroeger在法国低调完婚。
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DB+16 2013-07-20




等级: 元老

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