爱屎这妹纸了!海豚音新星Ariana Grande动感新单 Baby I 超清mv

猴岛论坛影音天地爱屎这妹纸了!海豚音新星Ariana Grande动感新单 Baby I 超清mv
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爱屎这妹纸了!海豚音新星Ariana Grande动感新单 Baby I 超清mv



等级: 上校
举报 只看楼主 使用道具 楼主   发表于: 2013-09-08 0

Baby I got love for thee so deep inside of me
I don't know where to start
I love you more than anything
But the words cant even touch what's in my heart

When I try to explain it I be sounding insane
The words don't ever come out right
I get all tongue tied
I can't explain what I'm feeling
So I say baby baby, baby
Baby I baby, oh baby, my
Baby I baby, baby
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
baby, baby ohohohoh

Baby I'm so down for you no matter what you do

See baby I been feelin' you
Before I knew what feelings were about

When I try to explain it I be sounding crazy
The words don't ever come out right
I get all tongue tied
I can't explain what I'm feeling
And I say baby baby, baby
Baby I baby, oh baby, my
Baby I baby, baby
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
Baby, baby ohohohoh

Staright up you got me
How could I not be I sure hope you know
If it's even possible
I love you more
Than word love can say it
It's better not explaining that why I keep saying…
Baby I
Ooh baby, oh baby, my baby
Baby I baby, baby
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
Baby, baby ohohohoh
Ooh baby ooh baby ooh baby baby I
Ooh baby Baby I
All I'm tryna say is you're my everything baby
But everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
Everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
Everytime I try to say it
Words they only complicate it
Baby, baby

暗恋这妹纸好久了! 拍个mv看着让人舒心,青春,萌动,活力,全有了。何况这般集美貌与歌喉于一身的小女子,怎能不让男人心动。

前段时间还被 “丁日(JB)” 强吻 次奥!禽兽啊~~
本帖de评分: 1 条评分 DB +13
DB+13 2013-09-09




等级: 元老

举报 只看该作者 沙发   发表于: 2013-09-09 0




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